My MFP "Number"

Based on my "bodygraphics"(?), activity level and desired weight loss goal (2lbs/wk), MFP provided a number. It's a number I feel is low, but quite frankly it's a just a number. I rarely meet the "number" and that's OK with me. I realize that my "number" is an estimate, my caloric intake is an estimate and my physical activity per day is an estimate. My number rarely varies by 10% and I make informed decisions about the calories I’m about to ingest. For me, this journey is about making healthy choices in my eating habits, instilling exercise (physical activity) and sustaining this new “lifestyle” over a long period of time.

But let me digress. As you can see I’ve never been the anal-retentive type. I’m a free spirit. Details….uhm, what details? I have five kids. Sometimes, the only amount of detail I can worry about is that I still have 5 kids. However, working in the Information Technology field for the past 7 years is starting to rub off. I’ve started having analytical thoughts. “I’m 51 and I’m going to have kids at home for another 15-20years….what empty nest!”

Let’s go back to the original reason for this post. My assigned MFP “numbers”. I have a desk job. I work at home. It is 10 walking steps and 1 flight of steps from the kitchen to my desk. I accept that I have a sedentary lifestyle.

I’ve incorporated exercise into my routine. Supporting teenage athletic boys has its advantages. I have a treadmill, an Olympic free weight set, two benches and a lat-machine in the basement. In case you’re wondering, all that equipment is 20 steps from my office desk. I actually enter “that” room, when the teenagers allow. I normally exercise when they go to school, leave weights on the machine and then deny working out! When “they” asked who did it, I LOVE saying…. “I dunno!” (insert eye roll).

Back to my MFP number…
On the weekends I experience a far from a sedentary lifestyle. I try to fit into my schedule fishing, baseball games, cutting the grass (5 acres on a riding mower), generalized clean-up, building bon-fires, washing cars, fixing bicycles, weeding the garden, breaking up fights, etc., etc. I think you understand; I rarely sit still. I think we all agree that during this journey, the weekends are the hardest. They break from the organized sequence of week day life. The timing is not the same. There are too many opportunities.

In my battle between the free spirit and the encroaching anal-retentive personalities, I struggle on the weekends. Not necessarily with food choices as I am committed in eating healthier. I am struggling with the whole concept of my assigned sedentary lifestyle by MFP. I cannot honestly log “Mowing grass (riding mower)” for 3 hours and enjoy an extra 600 calories or “Gardening-General” for 60 minutes and take advantage of 800 extra calories. And I have failed to find the entry for “Fight, Breaking Up Teenage Boys” or “Dealing with the emotions of a 13 year old pre-menstrual daughter!”

Yesterday my schedule was disrupted by the usual weekend commotion. I had a great meal at a Syrian restaurant last evening. I made good choices, but I did go over my calorie count. I did not formally “exercise”. That was OK. The free spirit agrees. The anal-retentive was disappointed.

This is not a post about “cheating” or “cheat-days.”

To my sedentary friends…. Don’t we deserve a good weekend without formal exercise and yet....hit the "number"?


  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    You could try looking at calories for the whole week rather than day by day as it would probably even out. Also if you set your weight loss to 1lb a week rather than 2lb a week it would give you slightly more calories to play with - it wouldn't matter if you ate well under that amount on some days when you felt you had been less active.

    I have 3 kids plus work as a nursery teacher so my days can vary a great deal too, I just use common sense and eat a bit more on the days I am more active. Active doesn't necessarily mean a planned "exercise", it can be kicking a ball around the park with the boys or teaching a PE class.