Sciatic nerve exercises?

So I have a sciatic nerve that is acting up..about 1 month now. Dr ok'd cardio and that actually makes it feel better. But she said no weights. I am wondering if I can do any ab work. I know that stuff involving lower abs KILLS my back... so should I do some ab work or wait this out???


  • CressidaJL
    CressidaJL Posts: 53 Member
    Did your GP say how long it's likely to be? There are loads of physio-type exercises that strengthen your core muscles which can help as it means less stress on the sciatic muscles & nerves This site was really useful to me (also suffer with Sciatica):

    Can also recommend a support belt ( <-- that has worked witchcraft for me!), and seeing your GP again & asking for a referral to physiotherapy, OR advice on which weight things you CAN do.

    Kettlebells, for example, are great for building core stability, but don't ignore your doctor's advice.

    Good luck. x
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    ab work especially sit ups/crunches are probably the worst thing you can do, you said yourself it hurts.

    Leave it otherwise you will make it worse, I would see a proper chiropractor.
  • dragonladywendy

    Please take note of everything your GP says. I speak from horrific experience...trapped sciatic nerve on and off for 3 years, eventually lead to total loss of mobility down left side and ended up in wheelchair...spinal op last November. My recovery has been phenomenal and has surprised my surgeon no end. My secret? Walking!

    I mean hill walking, speed walking, and absolute no running. As I've got fitter and the pain has receeded, I've added cardio.

    Just last week I've added strength and core training and it all involves the gym ball (the large, sit on type). I have been recommended pilates/yoga too, but right now I want to train my own core muscles as sometimes being in charge, you know what you can and can't do.

    If the pain persists, PLEASE ask for an MRI scan and seek a surgeons opinion. Best thing I ever did.

    Good luck and feel free to add if you'd like to.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Piriformis stretching really helps to keep mine down.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    Always go with your dr./PT. My PT had me work with MacKenzie strecthes (for a bulging disc). I found that the stretches felt great and calmed the pain down after a few days! When consistant, my back was strong enough to lift and exercise. Some of the core exercises I do now are variations of the stretches, so the transition was simple and, if necessary, modifiable. Walking also feels great, as do limiting certain kinds of footwear and respecting the time it takes to heal. Good luck! This will get better!
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    I went to the hospital for a slip and fall at work a few years back. They told me I damaged my sciatic nerve. When it flares up they told me to take some otc pain killer and lie on a heating pad with my feet propped.. this does help. They also told me weak abs are a big contributor to lower back pain. That I should work on that area. Also, for work I drive.. which also makes it flare up some. I have to say though, since starting MFP a little over a month ago, and getting a workout in just about everyday. I haven't had ANY issues. I'm not lifting weights. I'm just doing Jillian Michaels stuff atm.
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    I had a lot of sciatic nerve pain for many years. On my left side the pain traveled all the to the shin and on the right down to the knee. The exercises I did at that time were general weight lifting in the gym. However the best treatment I received was from my chiropractor. It took a year or two of regular treatments for it to go away but 16 years later there is no hint of sciatica. My chiropractor did recommend exercise but he did not limit me to what type.

    I know the pain you are in good luck with that, but the chiropractic treatments were what helped me the most.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Sit on a tennis ball... on something firm.. =) Like a toilet seat or a kitchen table seat.. (If you need a golf ball for added depth, do it)

    THIS WILL HURT LIKE 10 *****ES ON A ***** BOAT...!!!

    Just breath and try and relax allowing time for the pain to dissipate....

    Note: I have never had a patient this didn't work on, no matter the extent of their pain.

    And of course drink water and stretch.

    Good luck
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    I have what I suppose is the nerve issue in that sitting for any length of time or laying in bed the weight of my foot will cause me such pain in my right butt, I can hardly stand it. I drove for most of the time for the past 8 years, and it started about 3 years ago. It feels like the right butt bone is bruised badly and radiates down the lower part of my right leg back musles. I have to sit more on the left side than the right. I use the base gym about 3 times a week and try to walk a mile or more every day. What exercises are specific to this area that may help? Any other suggestions?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Pay attention to what your doctor says. Can you get some PT? Are body weight exercises off the table as well?
  • toulieb
    I am seeing a chiro which is helping. She didn't want to do pt yet. She gave me another 2 weeks, then doing an MRI if it's still bad. It HAS gotten better... but I still feel it....especially when I am sitting/lying down. I will ask about PT. I tried the tennis ball thing.. it seemed to have made it worse. Like to the point I couldn't sit/stand/lay.