weight GAIN?!



  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Mcdonald's - Mcdouble Cheeseburger, 5.3 oz. (1 sandwich)
    Great Value - Chunky Sirloin Burger Soup*
    Coca Cola - Coke 20 Fl oz. Bottle, 1 bottle
    Coca Cola - 12oz Can Coke, 1/2 can (355 ml)
    Mcdonalds - Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone
    "Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday" - really sorry but this isnt well at all :( Too high in sodium, sugar and so on!
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    So since you unlocked the ONE day of logging in your diary, I have a theory. You're not tracking sodium, you eat very sodium-rich foods, AND you seem to drink a bit of pop. Believe it or not, that all could cause bloating & water retention. If you weigh AFTER getting out of the shower, that is even more water in you and on you.

    Try weighing pre-shower and WATCHING YOUR SODIUM.

    Yesterday was my first day on MFP. I will add the sodium to what I am tracking. I know I drink a ton of pop and am making a change in that today. After I drink the first 32 oz of water I will allow myself 1 12oz can of pop. I can't quit cold turkey but I can def lower it. Thanks.

    So, yesterday was your first day? Were you tracking your foods some other way before? How do you know that you weren't really eating enough to actually gain weight?

    Yesterdays diary was pretty typical. I was roughly counting WW points but not logging food like I used to.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am soooo beside myself with anger right now. I am guilty of weighing myself every single morning when I get in the shower. Always have, it helps keep me motivated. Anyway, I show an 8lb GAIN since yesterday! How the heck is that possible? In July I logged a 17 lb gain in 10 days time. What in the world is going on? Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday. Dr already ran some labs that came out normal range. Guess I get in to see him this week again. This is nuts!

    Log food and don't try the 2lb a week method.
    If you are set to sedentary make sure you truly don't do anything during the day.
    Eat back all your calories burned.

    Eat 30% of your calories as protein and 30% as fat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So since you unlocked the ONE day of logging in your diary, I have a theory. You're not tracking sodium, you eat very sodium-rich foods, AND you seem to drink a bit of pop. Believe it or not, that all could cause bloating & water retention. If you weigh AFTER getting out of the shower, that is even more water in you and on you.

    Try weighing pre-shower and WATCHING YOUR SODIUM.

    ^^this plus if you have upped your water you could be seeing a temporary gain.

    Plus your scale could be inaccurate. Unless you have a medical condition, high sodium is not necessarily bad but it is a good idea to track so you know when to expect a water weight gain. Unless you ate about 30,000 calories yesterday, it's not 'real' weight gain.

    Try to stop weighing yourself every day if these fluctuations are going to discourage you.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Mcdonald's - Mcdouble Cheeseburger, 5.3 oz. (1 sandwich)
    Great Value - Chunky Sirloin Burger Soup*
    Coca Cola - Coke 20 Fl oz. Bottle, 1 bottle
    Coca Cola - 12oz Can Coke, 1/2 can (355 ml)
    Mcdonalds - Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone
    "Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday" - really sorry but this isnt well at all :( Too high in sodium, sugar and so on!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Possible causes

    How is your sodium intake? water retention
    Coming up on TOM? water retention
    Bum scale - battery dying?
    Didn't take a dump before weighing
    Scale moved to a different location - surfaces make a difference, as does whether the floor is level.
    Weighed at a different time of day - all the food you eat and drink has weight that is temporarily passing through but will still show on the scale.
    Rocks in your pockets

    You can't have eaten enough to gain that much in one day - it would take over 25,000 calories to do that!
  • amberpickens
    amberpickens Posts: 149 Member
    The WiFit scale shows that I gained 7.1 lbs from yesterday. I have had these weird fluctuations from one day to the next. It's hard to too, but try not to worry about it. Just stick to your eating and exercise plan, and the weight will come off quickly,

    i weigh myself on the wiifit board to and after the batteries get so low the scale goes crazy. so always make sure the batteries are good before you weigh in or it may not be right
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Do you feel that much heavier?
    Check your scale.
  • baybaybleux
    if your close to your period you can gain 5-7 pounds but you will loose it as your cycle ends. this happens to me alot i just recently gained 5 lbs due to my period.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Mcdonald's - Mcdouble Cheeseburger, 5.3 oz. (1 sandwich)
    Great Value - Chunky Sirloin Burger Soup*
    Coca Cola - Coke 20 Fl oz. Bottle, 1 bottle
    Coca Cola - 12oz Can Coke, 1/2 can (355 ml)
    Mcdonalds - Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone
    "Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday" - really sorry but this isnt well at all :( Too high in sodium, sugar and so on!

    Touche. I didnt' eat too badly as far as how much I ate but I did drink horribly. I also was clueless as to how much sodium I was really consuming. My fiber was spot on though. Sodium aside my worst all day was the pop and the burger. I am going to watch it more closely. Very eyeopening what people are pointing out and what I am seeing. Thanks! You all are helping. I need the reality checks.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    So since you unlocked the ONE day of logging in your diary, I have a theory. You're not tracking sodium, you eat very sodium-rich foods, AND you seem to drink a bit of pop. Believe it or not, that all could cause bloating & water retention. If you weigh AFTER getting out of the shower, that is even more water in you and on you.

    Try weighing pre-shower and WATCHING YOUR SODIUM.

    Yesterday was my first day on MFP. I will add the sodium to what I am tracking. I know I drink a ton of pop and am making a change in that today. After I drink the first 32 oz of water I will allow myself 1 12oz can of pop. I can't quit cold turkey but I can def lower it. Thanks.

    So, yesterday was your first day? Were you tracking your foods some other way before? How do you know that you weren't really eating enough to actually gain weight?

    Yesterdays diary was pretty typical. I was roughly counting WW points but not logging food like I used to.

    Okay, but without actually logging it, you have no idea of how much you are consuming. Most people (myself included) are way off when they try to mentally count. It just doesn't work that well. My point is, that you could have actually been overeating without realizing it. I'm sure the 8lbs overnight was mostly attributed to sodium and bloating, but some of what you've put on since July could have been actual gain, since you weren't tracking your food.

    Watch your sodium, track your food here every day, and aim to eat at a 20% reduction of your TDEE for moderate weight loss (which will help you be long term successful, IMO). Make small changes and don't think you have to overhaul your diet in one day. Set yourself up for a lifestyle change that you can stick with forever.

    And read this link:

  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Mcdonald's - Mcdouble Cheeseburger, 5.3 oz. (1 sandwich)
    Great Value - Chunky Sirloin Burger Soup*
    Coca Cola - Coke 20 Fl oz. Bottle, 1 bottle
    Coca Cola - 12oz Can Coke, 1/2 can (355 ml)
    Mcdonalds - Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone
    "Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday" - really sorry but this isnt well at all :( Too high in sodium, sugar and so on!

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You might do well to pretend that McDonald's doesn't exist.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Mcdonald's - Mcdouble Cheeseburger, 5.3 oz. (1 sandwich)
    Great Value - Chunky Sirloin Burger Soup*
    Coca Cola - Coke 20 Fl oz. Bottle, 1 bottle
    Coca Cola - 12oz Can Coke, 1/2 can (355 ml)
    Mcdonalds - Ice Cream Cone, 1 cone
    "Look at my diary, I didn't eat horrible yesterday" - really sorry but this isnt well at all :( Too high in sodium, sugar and so on!

    Touche. I didnt' eat too badly as far as how much I ate but I did drink horribly. I also was clueless as to how much sodium I was really consuming. My fiber was spot on though. Sodium aside my worst all day was the pop and the burger. I am going to watch it more closely. Very eyeopening what people are pointing out and what I am seeing. Thanks! You all are helping. I need the reality checks.

    Get into the habit of logging absolutely EVERYTHING you eat or drink..EVERY day into your diary & you will soon be making good choices. Most people also plan the following days food into their diary in advance to keep ourselves on the straight & narrow. The idea is to learn good habits which can only lead to a healthier lifestyle & weight loss. Good Luck, enjoy the journey!
  • openairhealth
    I concur that your scale is probably just messing with you. How can you blame it? Scales spend their whole lives getting stepped on. It's no surprise they snap once in a while.

    ha! :D so, water retention due to not drinking enough, muscle gain, bloating due to period, crap scale, etc. - it could just be a combination of these things or something else completely. keep faith.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    You might do well to pretend that McDonald's doesn't exist.

    LOL no doubt! However, I know you can eat that food adn still lose weight. When I lost 50+ in 2005/6 I worked there. I ate there at least breakfast every day and lunch at least 4 times. It was the choices I made. Scrambled egg and 1 mcgriddle cake for breakfast. Bacon Ranch salad, no chicken, with balsamic vinegrette dressing. Sometimes a fruit and yogurt parfait. However, I am not making those same choices so staying away is a good idea.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Do you keep your scale in the bathroom? A damp environment is not good for it.
  • BruceJax
    BruceJax Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone's weight fluctuates daily. That's normal. That is also why most trainers and programs recommend weighing weekly. If you can find the discipline to control your caloric intake, you can use that same discipline to stay off the scale until your weekly weigh-in. Now the degree of fluctuation you describe makes me suspect your scale isn't working correctly, so you may need to do both: replace the scale and pick one day each week to weigh yourself.
    Also remember that salt helps you retain water (not good) and throws off your measurements. If you worked at McDonalds, you already know that EVERYTHING there hss salt added. Best of luck to you!
  • pattyg1821
    yea generally body can have about 2000-2500 of salt. Anything over that is something to be cautious about. Also if its that TOM you can be gaining? Also are drink more water and exercise more. I have been having problems too with retaining and ive read up if you drink more water and exercise it will circutate and keep everything moving in your body instead of staying in feet or hands.

    Trust me I cut sodas completely out and this is day 25 consecutive without them. Day 22 without any kinda of tea. It gets easier.
    I was use to drinking 1-2 of 32 to 44 oz sweet teas a day.

    How many calories are you eating typically aday. How much exercise can you commit to a week. Try increasing your exercise. But make sure you exercise/burn more calories then you eat or you will gain.
  • tenaheff
    I also weigh myself every day. I know everyone says not to, but I will continue to do so. If I see an uptick one day, I don't let it worry me. I also don't enter into my weight tracking (it is a mental thing for me). However, if the uptick lasts several days it gets entered and I know I am not doing what I need to do.

    Your 8 pound uptick definitely sounds like an issue with either not weighing yourself at the same time or with your scale. I recommend weighing yourself each morning after going the bathroom and before getting in the shower. Definitely before eating anything also.

    If you have a high sodium intake day, you can expect the scale to register higher the next day. Lots of water will help flush the fluids out.
