Entrepreneur Lifestyle / Weight Loss

Hello, I have been exercising and changing my eating habits for about 6 months now (however had a great summer...which doesn't count, lol :)). I have dropped a little over 20 lbs. and have an extremely busy lifestyle as an Entrepreneur, Family Man, and Dad. My goal is to get back to my 30 something weight...(thinking 20 something is just WAAAYY too far away). Looking to shed about 30 more lbs while toning up through cardio and non free weight exercises (ie., push ups, pull ups, sit ups, lunges, etc.)

Seeking like minded individuals or groups who can exchange food ideas via low carb eating lifestyle, workout routines, and general positive motivation to stay on the path to "looking like a good ol 30 something".

Feel free to add me if the above is your general outline of weight loss.

Have a Great Day!:happy: