A little advice needed :)

I'm new here... Hey everyone :smile:

I'm currently 5ft 3 and 197lbs..
Looking to get down to around 145lbs before my 21st (April 2013)

Maybe I'm being a little too optimistic, but I believe it could be done if I try :happy: I'd be grateful if someone could give me a few pointers.. As in how to lose weight effectively, what I would have to do in order to lose around 2lbs a week? I've heard good things about the ''30 day shred" ... Don't know if any of you have tried that?

Thanks in advance, and good luck everyone :bigsmile: x


  • My daughter is 5'3", and was around 198. She would walk/run for about 20 mins and then do the step 1 of 30 day shred. She did have success with it, but would have had more if she had paid more attention to what she was eating. (18 yrs old)
    The biggest tip i could give you for success would be to make sure you are using tools you can stick with (for both food and exercise) AND that if what you chose turns out to be something your DON'T like... try something else instead of giving up.

    My girl was very excited to buy a Zumba kit because it looked like so much fun, but when she got it realized she didn't like doing it by video... that for her the fun is in the class full of people. So she tried the 30 day and running and really liked it.