"After Dinner PM Snacker"

Looking for members who are wanting to quit this terrible habit with me!
And looking for members who have been victorious and are willing to give their ideas/tips. Thanks in advance!


  • cklb
    cklb Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, it is an everyday torment. I am doing Wasa crackers if I am really hungry. Trying to eat popcorn w/spray butter if watching a movie.
  • I know you've probably heard this a million times, but drink TONS of water! I used to be one of those snackers until I started drinking a buttload of water. If I have the urge to eat something I drink water or if it's really strong, I'll snack on some bell pepper slices.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Snacks aren't bad even after dinner. Doesn't matter when you eat as long as you are under your daily limits.
    But, gum always helps me for cravings. Or just brush your teeth. Water helps too.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I don't know about anyone else but with all of this water I'm drinking, it makes me full! At the store, I bought reduced fat cheez-it's and some pretzels and some yogurt.. I eat yogurt in the morning and sprinkle cereal on top and it says about 200 calories. All you have to do is expand your mind and I tend to look on other profiles for extra information. I also try not to eat after dinner because it helps keep weight on. If I eat anything after 8pm, it's a piece of fruit.......
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I am an after dinner/late night snacker too.. I keep close track of my cals for the day. If I have enough, I'll allow a small snack. If I don't have the cals to spare, or simply not enough for what I really wanted to eat I do as Dahllywood suggested... I brush my teeth and then I drink water. I've found that drinking water in a "sip cup" (sports bottles are best) then the straw makes me drink more for some reason. And the built in measured marks on it sure don't hurt either! GL!
  • Brush your teeth right after dinner. That always stops me from snacking because I just think, well, I already brushed my teeth... don't want to do it again.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I know if I went to bed earlier, it would help. Or if I at least went upstairs to read. If I sit downstairs to watch TV I'm closer to the kitchen and more likely to snack.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    Eat dinner later, have a good amount of protein in your dinner, go to bed earlier. I used to have the late-night eating habit. It is a habit, so it can be broken. If you are eating in front of the TV, limit your night time TV habit, or find something else to do with your hands. Maybe go for a walk instead.

    I also cut back my Carbs to around 100g a day (I'm 160lb Female) and that forced me to change my eating patterns. More protein really helped.
  • I actually make 2 small dinners for myself and I think that helps a lot. I have a salad around 5 or so and wait for myself to feel really hungry again and then eat something heavier.
  • All great tips from everyone! Will try the brushing teeth and drinking water with a straw tips. I do know that eating under limit is important but my dedication seems to always go out the window late at night so thank you for all your help!