How accurate do you think MFP is/has been . . .

. . . with the "You will be so and so lbs in 5 weeks" calculations?

I have never stuck to just one set of calories for 5 weeks so I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried that to see if MFP is correct in its calculations? I'm going to try an experiment for, well, hopefully 5 weeks, where all I do is eat 700-900* calories a day and burn off at least 200 more than what I ate. So it's basically like I'm not eating anything for the day + having 200 calories rollover. But don't blame me if I can't keep up! MFP says I'll be 145-147lbs in 5 weeks (from today) and I want to see how accurate it is.

*Yes, I know. I shouldn't be eating less than 1200 a day, and that's even pushing it. But, I am 5'2 and have a lot of fat reserves (lol) and I wake up late in the afternoon. Lunch, dinner, and a snack is encompassed in those 7-900 cals.

So what are you thoughts on MFP's calculator?


  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    It seems to be overly optimistic in my experience. It usually says I should be 10-11 lbs. less in 5 weeks and I'm usually about 8.5-9.5 lbs. Not a huge difference. But I kind of like seeing those low #s. :smile:
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I have it set to one up from sedentary (I'm on my feet all day long) and I eat exactly what it tells me to do. I've also been eating the calories that my Fitbit adjusts for if I've gone over the amount of activity based on my setting. Basically, I feel like I've been eating and eating. I've found I'm losing between 1 1/2 to 2 pounds weekly eating like that. Basically, the eating I think is speeding up my metabolism. I try to eat healthier and put more veggies, fruits, dairy, basically good stuff into my diet instead of junk. I do some prepackaged stuff like fruit bars but I make sure the stuff isn't full of junk like corn syrup. I go the organic route.

    Anyway, I found that eating like it told me to do is actually causing me to lose weight. I've tried the eating 1200 only calorie diet in the past and I actually gained doing that. I'm 5'3" inches tall which is close to what you are so I would recommend trying to eat what it tells you to eat - get as close to what it posts for you. I think you'll be surprised. But, do eat healthy! That is critical.

    By the way, 700 to 900 calories is starvation mode from what I know. Your body could lose muscle mass and that's bad! If you really hate eating that much, find stuff like peanut bars or fruit protein shakes....basically, find ways to eat more that you'll like. I think you'll also notice your appetitie will increase as you increase the calories. I break my calories up throughout the day by eating no more than 500 per meal. Basically, I do three mini-meals and two snacks like fruit/nut bars or freeze dried fruits. The big stores like Costco, BJ's, and Sam's Club usually have boxes of them in affordable quantities. You'll have to buy larger amounts at first but it'll keep your costs down.
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    I actually waited 5 weeks in between my last two weighins and just weighed in yesterday. The majority of my days told me that I would weigh around 143 in 5 weeks and I was curious how close it would come. I have been allowing myself one cheat day a week for the last couple weeks, so I am sure it had an effect. I ended up weighing in at 144. I was not overjoyed about the loss but I am definitely OK with it.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member