Children Lifting Weights?



  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    at that early age, resistance training should just be his body weight. When he gets a bit older you can start him out with some resistance bands or something. weights aren't for kids.
  • AmericanCowboy76
    AmericanCowboy76 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi. I have a pre-teen son (he's in the 5th grade) who is diabetic and wants to lift weights. It's all he talks about...I guess my success with lifting has peaked his interest. As far as his diabetes goes, he would have to check his blood sugar after a workout and have an extra snack.

    But putting that fact aside for the moment, how young is too young to start lifting weights? I've heard a lot of different things about what age kids should start. He's going to see his doctor in 3 weeks so I plan to ask him but I wondered if anyone here had pre-teen or teenage kids that lifted weights. For reference, he's ~ 4'9" and 80 lbs. He's kind of clumsy, all arms and legs so I would think that the weight lifting would help with that and his overall self-confidence too. TIA.

    I talked to pedi about this when my son turned 8. The pedi said "sir, your son lifts books and things around the house, he can lift. Just no more than 10% of his body weight".
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Gets her water and snack and pulls up a chair as this debate begins once again.

    Can I join you? :laugh:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    No, at his age you can do permanent damage to the growth plates in his bones. Encourage him to be active and built muscle through sports and other activities. Save the weight training for when he has finished growing.

    Pretty sure that myth has been debunked.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I wouldn't. Although you should see the kids (boys and girls) at my daughter's gym! They get that way from classic exercises - push ups, pull ups, etc. She is 8 and thought the cross trainers on TV were "weak, because they can only do 5 handstand push ups and they bend their legs"! :happy:
  • ftumsh1
    I actually stumbled across a video today of a 10year old girl competing powerlifting

    I honestly have no opinion a far a if it's safe cuz I have no clue. I just really thought it was cool too see someone so young lifting weights way heavier than she weighs!

    And way heavier than she can. Her squat is just plain dangerous.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    at that early age, resistance training should just be his body weight. When he gets a bit older you can start him out with some resistance bands or something. weights aren't for kids.
    I don`t get this reasoning. resistance is resistance. weather it`s weights, or everyday life. wtf difference does it make if it`s done with a piece of metal in a bar form, or a toybox, or roughhouseing with friends. so pulling a 45lbs barbell fro the floor is somehow bad for the child, yet carrying a 45lbs box of toys around is a-ok. am I getting this correct.

    This is the same rational I hear from women who insist that 5lbs is all a person needs to lift, yet do not see the hypocracy with picking up and playing with their 40lbs child...

    there is nothing harmful about teaching resistance and form at any age. with my 4 year old he did his first deadlift a few weeks ago. I was a proud dad I have to say. and i will be more than happy to teach him proper technique for any lift he wants to do. should he want to play sports, his training from me will give him a huge edge over all other kids because he will be that much stronger and know how to use his body that much better.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    No, at his age you can do permanent damage to the growth plates in his bones. Encourage him to be active and built muscle through sports and other activities. Save the weight training for when he has finished growing.

    This is a commonly held misconception.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I WISH someone had introduced me to lifting when I was that age. It would have saved me countless hours of running trying to get faster and stronger for soccer. (And I like running- but nothing has ever been more effective for me than lifting weights has to get faster!) It probably would have saved me from some really stupid teenage fat-loss diet techniques, too.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    at that early age, resistance training should just be his body weight. When he gets a bit older you can start him out with some resistance bands or something. weights aren't for kids.
    I don`t get this reasoning. resistance is resistance. weather it`s weights, or everyday life. wtf difference does it make if it`s done with a piece of metal in a bar form, or a toybox, or roughhouseing with friends. so pulling a 45lbs barbell fro the floor is somehow bad for the child, yet carrying a 45lbs box of toys around is a-ok. am I getting this correct.

    This is the same rational I hear from women who insist that 5lbs is all a person needs to lift, yet do not see the hypocracy with picking up and playing with their 40lbs child...

    there is nothing harmful about teaching resistance and form at any age. with my 4 year old he did his first deadlift a few weeks ago. I was a proud dad I have to say. and i will be more than happy to teach him proper technique for any lift he wants to do. should he want to play sports, his training from me will give him a huge edge over all other kids because he will be that much stronger and know how to use his body that much better.

    Yup, really think about some of the things kids do.

    - Swimming: pushing their body weight around.
    - Baseball: How heavy are those bats relative to their size and strength
    - Bowling: Obvious
    - Riding a bike: Pushing their body weight plus the bike weight plus any incline resistance
    - Carrying school books around school in their arms or in a back pack.

    It's endless definitely something that should be on an episode of Mythbusters.

    Sure all people are different, but I started doing some basic lifting when I was 13 and I'm fine physically and I'm 6'0 tall so that kind of busts the whole growth-plate thing.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I have no idea about the weight lifting for children part - but just a mention on the diabetes side of things (I'm a type 1) I always find that after a weights session my blood sugars skyrocket and quite a few of my D friends find the same thing - of course check with his endo but if he does get the all clear to lift don't be suprised if he needs a bit more insulin with his next meal (or a correction if he's pumping).
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Hi. I have a pre-teen son (he's in the 5th grade) who is diabetic and wants to lift weights. It's all he talks about...I guess my success with lifting has peaked his interest. As far as his diabetes goes, he would have to check his blood sugar after a workout and have an extra snack.

    But putting that fact aside for the moment, how young is too young to start lifting weights? I've heard a lot of different things about what age kids should start. He's going to see his doctor in 3 weeks so I plan to ask him but I wondered if anyone here had pre-teen or teenage kids that lifted weights. For reference, he's ~ 4'9" and 80 lbs. He's kind of clumsy, all arms and legs so I would think that the weight lifting would help with that and his overall self-confidence too. TIA.

    Have at 'er. My 12 year old is doing Stronglifts with me and we really enjoy the time together. I would suggest he works out with an adult and gets the form right. Agree with the confidence. Plus, he will be developing a good habit that will carry him through life.

    The whole growth plate thing is nonsense. Bad form though is not.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I have no idea about the weight lifting for children part - but just a mention on the diabetes side of things (I'm a type 1) I always find that after a weights session my blood sugars skyrocket and quite a few of my D friends find the same thing - of course check with his endo but if he does get the all clear to lift don't be suprised if he needs a bit more insulin with his next meal (or a correction if he's pumping).

    How different would letting a diabetic child lift weights be than letting that same child play soccer, basketball, etc?
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I wasn't commenting on whether he should be lifting weights or not - as I said I have no experience or knowledge in the area. I'm well aware (as a diabetic who has always been very active) that diabetic children can do practically EVERYTHING non-diabetic children can do.

    The OP mentioned that he might need an extra snack after lifting weights I just wanted to point out that sometimes if your body is placed under stress (which is the idea of lifting) your blood sugars can rise, just wanted to point it out - some diabetics get a bit worried if/when it happens.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I wasn't commenting on whether he should be lifting weights or not - as I said I have no experience or knowledge in the area. I'm well aware (as a diabetic who has always been very active) that diabetic children can do practically EVERYTHING non-diabetic children can do.

    The OP mentioned that he might need an extra snack after lifting weights I just wanted to point out that sometimes if your body is placed under stress (which is the idea of lifting) your blood sugars can rise, just wanted to point it out - some diabetics get a bit worried if/when it happens.

    Yep, I'm well-aware of his blood sugar rising from activity, unfortunately, but thanks for reiterating that as it is an important point. :smile:
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    My 5th grade son likes to train with me (or my husband) he thinks its cool. I focus more on body weight exercises for him than anything else. Its great bonding time!