Insanity friends!

I just started Insanity yesterday and I can already tell I'll need as much support as I can get. Anyone in the first week like me?


  • My husband and I started Friday - good stuff! Yes - I am more than happy to "keep pace" with you!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    check this thread out. really good for support and motivation.

    Currently taking a break from it as running more whilst the good weather lasts. will be re-starting in oct-nov time.
    good luck, love insanity! its ruined all other workouts for me apart from running and zumba as everything else feels so much slower! lol
  • I started today!! I will need help!!
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    I started Monday. I switched my Off Day to Saturday so today I HAVE to do it. Having a hard time getting myself downstairs to do it. I definitely need the support too!
  • jamiesuperfox
    jamiesuperfox Posts: 5 Member
    im on my second day we can support each other!
  • I don't do insanity, but I have friends that do. I've heard the horror stories about the workout, but they say it you can manage through it the results are ureal. I'll help be a good motivator for you through those 60 days. Keep thinking of how awesome you'll look and feel in the end!!
  • Im in day 4. I cant get through without taking a few extra enscheduled brakes but as soon as I can beath a little again I start back up. My body hurt so bad up until today I fell alot better and cant wait to do cardio recovery tonight. Good luck to all myself included!