Moderate vs. Strenuous Activities/Exercise???

OK. So, just curious what's everyone's definition of the activity level when your figuring out your TDEE and then the daily calories you need?

Is it based on calories burned or how often you exercise? Or is it something else?

I know I'm getting fitter, but my calories burned are lower during many of my exercise workouts. I find myself aiming for at least a 500 calorie burn each day I work out. So, if I have a Yoga day, I then supplement because I don't get the 500 in that workout alone.

I do workout 6 times a week, sometimes 7 (my day 7 is a walk or light jog...or I will allow for the rest day).



  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I exercise vigorously for 60-90 minutes 5-6 days a week, and the calculators would tell me that I should say that I am highly active, BUT the job I have requires me to sit nearly motionless at a computer for many hours a day. The most I do is type or click the mouse - - - very sedentary. SO I thought an even balance would be to categorize myself as being moderately active. It works for me.