Banning the binge...

I'm a binge eater, never knowing what it really feels like to be hungry....
I never eat for hunger but for everything else...when I'm sad, down in the dumps, bored, frustrated, lonely, PMT...even happy, celebrating, excited, nervous or at worst, the moment I tell myself to stop with the binge! I even binge when I feel guilty about a!!

I know I'm not alone and would love to hear advice or success stories to help stop the binge or even hear from others who can't stop and would like to hear from others too.....


  • Hi there Bev

    I get exactly the same problem as you! It is so frustrating, I try and substitute foods ie, sweets and chocolate for grapes/fruit, I find grapes have a sweetness to them that is as satisfying as sweets/chocolate.

    Maybe weightwatchers cakes/biscuits (most supermarkets also do their own healthy range now) could help slightly, see I wouldn't cut all the binge out straightaway as this could make you binge more so maybe the weightwatchers etc could be a way of going about it
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I was a binge eater but have been binge free since March. I started seeing a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders and that has helped immensely. You need to find out what you're avoiding or gaining by binging. I'd recommend finding a therapist but if that's not an option, I like Sunny Gold's book, "Food: The Good Girl's Drug".

    One of the most helpful things I've done in therapy was keeping a journal. There were no rules set about writing in the journal so I only used it once a week but it was very helpful. It was insightful to journal instead of binging. Gradually, through journaling, things that are buried in your brain's memory bank surface and you may find some answers.

    Anyway, for me, as soon as I discovered why I use food to address feelings I stopped doing it, like a light switched on....that fast.

    Good luck!
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you both. I found special k products were a much lower way to go when I had a snack attack. Unfortunately, I find myself eating them when I really don't want them so although healthier, it's still calories I shouldn't be touching. I even hear myself saying "dont eat this" just as I put it in my mouth. I realise it is psychological and I'm looking for ways to channel this but I have also seen my doctor since your post and he is referring me for counselling. Any more tips to avoid a binge in the mean time would be greatly received xxx