
My boyfriend just recently moved in with my family and I. His dog is a three year old chihuahua/dachshund mix. At his house, he was allowed to pee wherever he wanted, and there weren't many restrictions. Here, he is supposed to go only outside. He keeps peeing on the furniture and the floor. We take him out every four hours and limit his water intake to one bowl every day. We tried the pee pads, but he doesn't go on them.

Any suggestions of what we can do to get him to stop peeing on the furniture/floor? Thank you.


  • EndlessSacrifice
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Dump the loser and kick his dead beat worthless mooching butt and his mangy dog out. If he can't support himself and can't take care of his dog properly in another persons house, hes just taking you all for a ride. Worthless. Ditch him, move on and the sooner the better for you all. Other wise you'll look at $5,000.00 or more in damages from the dog urine staining and molding and wrecking carpeting, padding, floor boards, walls and sheet rock plus furniture. Toss it all together and yeah that $5k goes up to $15k really quick.
  • EndlessSacrifice
    Dump the loser and kick his dead beat worthless mooching butt and his mangy dog out. If he can't support himself and can't take care of his dog properly in another persons house, hes just taking you all for a ride. Worthless. Ditch him, move on and the sooner the better for you all. Other wise you'll look at $5,000.00 or more in damages from the dog urine staining and molding and wrecking carpeting, padding, floor boards, walls and sheet rock plus furniture. Toss it all together and yeah that $5k goes up to $15k really quick.

    LOL. You must have misunderstood my post. Him and I take the dog out every four hours. What else can we do to train the dog to stop peeing all over the furniture/floors?
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    His family let the dog just pee all over their house?

  • EndlessSacrifice
    His family let the dog just pee all over their house?


    Unfortunately, they did. Now, we're trying to correct that problem here.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I have to agree - if the dog has developed the habit of peeing everywhere it wants short of keeping it outside all the time and not letting it in the house I dont think there's much you can do.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I would seek the advice of a professional dog trainer or vet on this one. Also, I don't think limiting an animals water intake is a good idea. Unless there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. they're having surgery the next morning) animals should always have access to fresh water.

    I do know that crating a dog is sometimes used as a housebreaking tool, but I'm not sure exactly what the procedure is.
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    Dump the loser and kick his dead beat worthless mooching butt and his mangy dog out. If he can't support himself and can't take care of his dog properly in another persons house, hes just taking you all for a ride. Worthless. Ditch him, move on and the sooner the better for you all. Other wise you'll look at $5,000.00 or more in damages from the dog urine staining and molding and wrecking carpeting, padding, floor boards, walls and sheet rock plus furniture. Toss it all together and yeah that $5k goes up to $15k really quick.
    Totaly Agree!!!!
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    My first response is why would you date a guy who allowed his whole house to be a huge toilet.
  • EndlessSacrifice
    I would seek the advice of a professional dog trainer or vet on this one. Also, I don't think limiting an animals water intake is a good idea. Unless there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. they're having surgery the next morning) animals should always have access to fresh water.

    I do know that crating a dog is sometimes used as a housebreaking tool, but I'm not sure exactly what the procedure is.

    Yeah, I think I'm going to call a dog trainer. What I meant by the water was that we only fill his bowl once per day. It's a large bowl, and the vet said it was plenty of water for one day.
  • ccckwalk
    he is little, so you can keep him in a kennel and when it is time to go out you or your BF take him straight outside and he doesn't come in until he pees, then you give him praise and a treat for peeing.. If by change he doesn't pee then you put him back in his kennel and wait 15 minutes and try again...this all day long.

    If he pees on the floor you need to grab the dog and put his nose near or in it and say no no no...and either take him outside or back to the kennel. Until he learns what the routine is. This means no free time to roam around the house and only free time if he pees.
    We have two small yorkies and they are kennel trained the best thing we ever did. They now use a doggie door and rarely have accidents.Good luck potty training is tough! For animals and kids :)
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    contact the dog whisperer
  • EndlessSacrifice
    he is little, so you can keep him in a kennel and when it is time to go out you or your BF take him straight outside and he doesn't come in until he pees, then you give him praise and a treat for peeing.. If by change he doesn't pee then you put him back in his kennel and wait 15 minutes and try again...this all day long.

    If he pees on the floor you need to grab the dog and put his nose near or in it and say no no no...and either take him outside or back to the kennel. Until he learns what the routine is. This means no free time to roam around the house and only free time if he pees.
    We have two small yorkies and they are kennel trained the best thing we ever did. They now use a doggie door and rarely have accidents.Good luck potty training is tough! For animals and kids :)

    This sounds great. I will try this. Thank you!
  • SirRunningShorts
    SirRunningShorts Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds like an outdoor dog to me. Get him a dog house, and a long chain.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Has the dog been neutered yet? If not that's a big part of it. You can also keep him on a leash and if he starts sniffing like he's going to pee, take him outside. I agree with the person that said not to limit his water intake.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    My first response is why would you date a guy who allowed his whole house to be a huge toilet.

    This! I agree with this...I mean...I guess you knew that when this guy moved in with you and your parents that his nasty habits would follow him. GROSS. WHY DID HE LET HIS DOG PISS AND CRAP ALL OVER HIS HOUSE...the one he lived in BEFORE he moved in with you guys...ewwww. Maybe the dog should stay outside 100% of the time. Get the dog a dog house. I think it's too late to break this habit. The dog has always been allowed to relieve itself anywhere it need an expensive dog the dog (and the boyfriend) worth it? :(
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Buy a dog crate (just large enough for doggie to turn around and stand up in)and the dog stays in the crate unless it is outside on a leash pottying. After a few weeks allow it out of the crate but ONLY on a leash attached to a person and for small amounts of time (like an hour and only after a trip outside to potty). Increase the amount of time slowly and ALWAYS with someone holding the leash inside the house.

    When it potties outside praise it like crazy and give it a treat.

    If it tries to go potty inside since someone will be holding the leash they will know and tell it firmly "NO! Outside!" Then take it out and when it potties praise and treats.

    Eventually you'll be able to block off one room with baby gates and let it off the leash/out of the crate Then two rooms...then three.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Is the dog more important than your house? I hope the answer is NO. If what the guy said doesn't work and you don't want to pay for a dog trainer, ditch the dog before you have to replace things in the house. The dog isn't worth all that! It's just a dog.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Get a dog training book, and train the dog.
  • EndlessSacrifice
    The amount of disrespect and silly responses on this post amazes me. I asked how to train the dog. I didn't ask what anyone thought of the person I'm dating. There were special circumstances and reasons in which the dog wasn't trained properly. You really shouldn't assume things.