I'm new so be gentle

My name is Angela and I have never done something like this before. I had joined Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and lost 50lbs in six months. Which was wonderful, but I never learned WHY I was overeating. I have since put back the 50lbs plus another 30lbs. I can't believe my scale reads 360lbs! And for the past year I have attempted to quit smoking. I have been smoke free for three weeks now and I'm extremly proud of that. I don't know what possessed me to quit smoking AND lose weight at the same time AND it being the holiday season; I must like torture!
I always hear the "Last Straw" stories. You know, the stories of how small children made fun of you for being fat or how you were embarrassed that you waited three hours in line for a roller coaster and the latch just wouldn't make it. Or on an airplane where you had to pretend your seatbelt was fastened in fear they would kick you off the plane or charge you for another ticket. I have those stories too, but for some reason they weren't my 'Last Straw' story. Mine happened about a week ago. I work at a car dealership and sometimes I go on Dealer Trades. Which is I drive a car to another dealer and pickup a different one. Well, I got in to the new GMC Terrain and had such a hard time buckling the seat belt. I couldn't get in latched. So, I had to get out of the car take off my coat in 30 degree temperature and try it again. It finally buckled, but I was so ashamed that I had gotten so big that something as simple as getting in the car was now a challenge. I'm only 27 years old and I'm terrified that it's too late to change. My family and friend support is nonexistent. So, I have turned to a website filled with people I don't know for help. And believe me, asking for help isn't something I do.


  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hi Angela :flowerforyou:

    I'm very sorry to hear about your lack of support, but know that you DO have tons of people here just waiting to offer encouragement and friendly advice. We all know where you're coming from, in our own way. Weight loss is very personal, but the journey doesn't have to be!

    There are lots of open groups to join - one I might suggest since you said you were over 300 is the Over 300 Group which can be found here:


    Everyone in there is as lovely as can be. If that's not your thing then just cruise the Motivation & Support forum until you find one that fits you. If there isn't one - you can always start one! Or if groups aren't your thing, lots of people are just looking for a weight loss buddy, to start a friendship with and keep each other accountable. :blushing:

    Regardless - on behalf of the entire MFP community, we are glad to have you! :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Welcome! I hope you find all the support you need and want on this board. Once your mind is set to do this you will be able to! Best of luck to you and thank you for sharing your story
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    You have come to the right place. Everyone here is wonderful and no one would put you down or say harsh things. Just remember small steps, small goals. ...If you read my profile you will see I struggled my whole life too...I finding logging my food calories everyday has helped me alot.As far as exercise. I bought an elliptical trainner a few weeks back, first 2 minutes killed me. I am now up to 17 minute and can almost breath afterwards lol. .I had a hip resurfacing last year which has hinder me alittle , the doctor had said not to pound on it to be careful I use to love to dance with Richard Simmons but the doctor didnt recommend that as a daily exercise. I also enjoy the recieps I have a chicken one in the crockpot right now. Read the logs for help. There are several really good articles. I am no expert in this matterof weight loss by no means but I am here if you need to talk.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Too late? You're 27,,, Honey, it's just about never too late, and certainly not too late for you. You're just hitting your stride.

    Welcome aboard, you've come to the right place. This is a great tool that will work wonders. Just take a look at the before and after thread - and remember that the folks with huge successes are just like you, they just started a little earlier. You can do it too, and you will, I just know it.

    This is easy - here's all ya' gotta do:

    Cook smart, lotsa good filling stuff. Some fruits, lotsa veggies, some grains-cereals, some starchy stuff, some lean meat. Almost nothing fried (and certainly nothing batter dipped & deep fried), and very very little pastry/cakey stuff.

    Count your calories accurately with the food guide here, and stay as close to your calorie allowance as you reasonably can. If you cook properly you shouldn't be too uncomfortable on the calorie allowance MFP will give you.

    Get some exercise - work that gym, walk a little every day, something - that's a huge help. Remember to log your exercise and eat at least some (I eat most) of your exercise calories.

    And drink your water!

    That's it, piece o' cake. Wife and I have been doing it for about 10 months now and we've done well.

    You can do it too.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Just take a look at the before and after thread - and remember that the folks with huge successes are just like you, they just started a little earlier.

    Love that quote Casper. You're my favorite person today, because that was just so darn sweet and insightful. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Oh sweety, it is never too late. Don't ever let yourself think that. This is hard work and I'm sure there will be times when you doubt yourself, but you can do this. Heck, I still doubt myself sometimes and I've been doing this since Feb. I just keep reminding myself that the more I push, the stronger I get.

    You can do this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I can only echo what everyone else is saying.

    Your life is just beginning and you couldn't ask for more support then what you'll find here.

    Good luck to you - you can so do this! :flowerforyou:
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I know you'll make major accomplishments with a site like this. there are lots of people here to help you. if you have any trouble, just post something. there will be responses and advice in no time. its never too late to get healthy. You have already taken the first few steps on the road to a new you! so follow through! you can do it!! :happy:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Too late? You're 27,,, Honey, it's just about never too late, and certainly not too late for you. You're just hitting your stride.

    Welcome aboard, you've come to the right place. This is a great tool that will work wonders. Just take a look at the before and after thread - and remember that the folks with huge successes are just like you, they just started a little earlier. You can do it too, and you will, I just know it.

    This is easy - here's all ya' gotta do:

    Cook smart, lotsa good filling stuff. Some fruits, lotsa veggies, some grains-cereals, some starchy stuff, some lean meat. Almost nothing fried (and certainly nothing batter dipped & deep fried), and very very little pastry/cakey stuff.

    Count your calories accurately with the food guide here, and stay as close to your calorie allowance as you reasonably can. If you cook properly you shouldn't be too uncomfortable on the calorie allowance MFP will give you.

    Get some exercise - work that gym, walk a little every day, something - that's a huge help. Remember to log your exercise and eat at least some (I eat most) of your exercise calories.

    And drink your water!

    That's it, piece o' cake. Wife and I have been doing it for about 10 months now and we've done well.

    You can do it too.

    Welcome!! It is never to late. You will see a lot of people older than you on this site, and they are doing excellent.

    Casper- I love reading your comments.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It is not too late. I am 47 years old and started here in January. I weighed 340 lbs. I have dropped 80lbs so far and I live an life far more active than I could have ever imagined. I tried weight watchers for a while but didn't like it so it didn't really work for me.

    Keeping myself accountable to myself and the drive from the inside keeps me going. A previous poster recommened the over 300 club. Although I don't fit the criteria anymore, I still post on that thread regularly. There are people who are far heavier and older than you who are successful in their weight loss. You have so much time left in your life.

    You have started the journey by joining MFP.... now keep on it by logging your food, exercising and posting regularly
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm at work so I can't write a huge letter to ya but I wanted to say welcome to the family and I hope you find what you need here to gain your confidence back and loose the unwanted weight :)
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Hey girlie- Just wanted to say have FAITH and here there are alot of cool people with great ideas, suggestions, and at one point may have had the same questions you have. At 27 you are still young and making the first step for change is the hardest..Congrats on stopping the smoking habit that is a challenge but remember ONE DAY AT A TIME and someone once told me you didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight. Just stay focused and slowly but surely you will start to see and feel the difference not only physically but mentally.

    Welcome and I wish you positive energy in your new decisions in your lifestyle. :flowerforyou:
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Hey Angela!

    Welcome. This is such an amazing place with wonderful people to provide support. Don't ever hesitate when you're down or need help. Everyone will be there!

  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Hey Angela! You chose a great site! I don't have any advice or anything, but I did want to say welcome. I'm part of a great group of ladies if you wanna join. Link below. We have weekly weigh ins on wednesdays and the ladies on there are just great! I post frequently to that thread.

  • Hello Angela!!

    I just wanted to say hi and echo what everyone else has pretty much said. It's never too late to start!! :) It's a journey and it comes with ups and downs, but take them in stride and if you fall off the wagon one day, hope back on the next and keep going. It's not about guilt and beating yourself up. Just take it one day at a time!

  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    Welcome. This site is very useful, so take full advantage!

    Casper made great suggestions, the only other I can add is to make smaller goals of your overall goal. break down your weight loss goals into smaller increments, like 5 or 10 pound ones. Looking a 150 pound weight loss goal in the face is very daunting, I know! But, if you break it down and look at it in 5 or 10 pound "steps" you get to experience more successes, and that will help you stay motivated, at least it does for me.

    Just remember, this is a lifestyle change, not just a weight loss program. It will take some time to drop the weight, and the rest of your life to maintain it, but it will be well worth it when the weight melts off.

    And remember, you have to start somewhere, and today is as good a day as any other, and better than waiting. When you look back on this day one year from now how you feel about it, and yourself, will be determined by what you choose to do today.

    Good luck to you!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    :flowerforyou: Everyone has given great advice. One small thing I'd also suggest -- make MFP your internet browser homepage. When you pull up your browser and it automatically directs you here, you will be reminded that you should stick to your goals and that you have a loving, accepting, supportive community here to help you along, through the good times and bad times!!

    Also, some people will agree with me and some will disagree, but I don't think you should put a deadline on your weight loss goal. Maybe it's just me, but I don't handle failure well, and if I miss a deadline, I feel like I've blown it all, and give up. That isn't an option with weight loss for a healthier life --- there is no end date until you are dead!!! So take a small goal, as someone suggested before, and work on that. Try for 15lbs and see what you can do.

    I've lost 50+lbs but it's taken me 2 years. Sometimes I was working hard and rolling through the losses. Other times, I was idling along, not eating right and not gaining back too much weight. But in the end, I've kept off the weight for the most part and been able to recognize bad eating habits and try to right them. It's more of a lifestyle change than dieting. I crave running now, even as I fall in and out of the groove. So take your time and do it the right way this time. We are all here to help you along the way!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    DEFINITELY not too late! Welcome aboard! I know you'll find this place to be a really great tool. Feel free to friend me and send me messages if you're needing a little encouragement and support. You're still young (you're my age!) and have so much time ahead of you. Why not be the person you want to be?
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    make MFP your internet browser homepage. When you pull up your browser and it automatically directs you here, you will be reminded that you should stick to your goals and that you have a loving, accepting, supportive community here to help you along, through the good times and bad times!!

    Also, some people will agree with me and some will disagree, but I don't think you should put a deadline on your weight loss goal.

    Yes, both of these. :bigsmile:

    I have no time-line for myself and MFP (specifically my food log) is MY homepage. :heart:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yep, every timeline has an endpoint. There's no end to this - this is the rest of your life.

    It's nice to have mini-goals like "200 pounds by Groundhog day (that's probably mine right now,,,) - but as soon as you have an endpoint you have the idea that food logging and healthy living is an unusual condition, something you'll just do for a period of time until you reach you goal, at which point you'll go back to "normal".

    This is "normal" now. This is what it takes to be healthy and well. For most of us, eternal vigilence is the price of collarbones.