I'm way under my goals, but I'm not hungry! Argh.

emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
I'm only at 891 calories for the day and That's over 1000 calories under my goal but I'm not ravenous or anything and at this point I feel like if I go and get something to eat then it will only be because my macros tell me I'm not eating enough, not because I'm hungry. What should I do?


  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I also haven't done anything strenuous all day.
  • ElizabethSami
    eat things that are high in calorie(not bad food)like Almonds.
  • IceDragon72
    I feel ya. I'm having a smoothie (blueberries, almond milk, greek yogurt and vanilla extract) and a serving of peanut butter to get over 1000 today.

    Maybe have something small, like a serving of nuts, nut butter, or cheese?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You can up your calories without feeling stuffed by consuming more calorie dense foods such as avocados, cheese, nuts, nut butters and full fat dairy products. I'm willing to bet that if you consistently ate more, you'd find that your appetite would come back.