1200 calorie diet question?

So, I have been eating 1200 calories daily, give or take a few. On days that I go to the gym I usually end up burning about 300, giving me an extra 300 calories to eat that day. Am I doing this correctly?
For instance, if I had eaten 900 calories and then went to the gym and burned 300, should I eat that extra 300 worth of calories? Weight loss is so insanely confusing to me. I feel like if I eat the calories I burned, I'm not going to lose any weight at all. Should I aim to eat 1500 calories on the days where I burn 300, so I don't feel like I'm eating what I burned? Please help me, I have no idea what I'm doing and want to lose 30 pounds by December :(


  • Yes, the way MFP is set up is to give you a deficit of 500 calories a day. To maintain weight based on your info you would eat 1700 a day. 1200 a day = 500 deficit. work out 300 cals worth you would have an 800 cal deficit. eat 1500 cals that day to maintain a deficit of 500 calories.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    So, I have been eating 1200 calories daily, give or take a few. On days that I go to the gym I usually end up burning about 300, giving me an extra 300 calories to eat that day. Am I doing this correctly?
    For instance, if I had eaten 900 calories and then went to the gym and burned 300, should I eat that extra 300 worth of calories? Weight loss is so insanely confusing to me. I feel like if I eat the calories I burned, I'm not going to lose any weight at all. Should I aim to eat 1500 calories on the days where I burn 300, so I don't feel like I'm eating what I burned? Please help me, I have no idea what I'm doing and want to lose 30 pounds by December :(
    Your deficit is included before exercise. Thats why you're credited for exercise - it keeps the deficit the same as if you didn't exercise if you eat those calories back.

    And 30lbs by December probably isn't realistic unless you are morbidly obese. Chill, take your time, do your research and make it stick so you're not back here losing weight again in a year.
  • So, I have been eating 1200 calories daily, give or take a few. On days that I go to the gym I usually end up burning about 300, giving me an extra 300 calories to eat that day. Am I doing this correctly?
    For instance, if I had eaten 900 calories and then went to the gym and burned 300, should I eat that extra 300 worth of calories? Weight loss is so insanely confusing to me. I feel like if I eat the calories I burned, I'm not going to lose any weight at all. Should I aim to eat 1500 calories on the days where I burn 300, so I don't feel like I'm eating what I burned? Please help me, I have no idea what I'm doing and want to lose 30 pounds by December :(
    Your deficit is included before exercise. Thats why you're credited for exercise - it keeps the deficit the same as if you didn't exercise if you eat those calories back.

    And 30lbs by December probably isn't realistic unless you are morbidly obese. Chill, take your time, do your research and make it stick so you're not back here losing weight again in a year.

    I'm pretty big.... 5'2 and 190 pounds. :/
  • I understand your confusion and frustrations! I faced them when I began as well, but through a lot of research I have learned! (: And succeeded. Just based on my body weight and my weight loss goals I was also doing 1200 calories a day to get to my goal weight and now that i've reached it i'm maintaining my weight at about 1700 calories a day.

    Depending on your current body weight and height your calories for maintaining your weight will vary. My fitnespal takes your information (Height, weight, etc) and calculates you personal calorie needs for you. When you input your weight loss goals (ex. lose 2 lbs a week) on my fitness pal it automatically takes those calories out of your daily goal, giving you a deficient that will get your to your goal. Whatever calories you exercise off you get back.

    Honestly, exercise helps and is crucial to continuing weight loss and building and maintaining your metabolism but you will lose weight consuming 1200 calories a day regardless of how much you exercise.

    Example day.
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Food consumption: 1412
    Exercise: 200
    Over all you would only be over on your calorie goal by 12 calories.
    What ever calories you exercise off cancel out those that you consume.

    I hope that helps! (: Good luck!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    OK here it goes. Imagine your calories as if they are savings in a bank. Your goal is to always keep it at, for instance, 1400 calories a day. So if you exercise you burn a certain amount of calories, lets say 300. So if you start with 1400, eat breakfast = -400 you are left with 1000. You eat lunch = -500 then you are left with 500 calories left. Now here is the really cool bit. 500 doesn't sound like alot for your evening meal but if you throw in a work out = +300, you have 800 to consume.

    1400 start
    Breakfast (consume) -400 = 1000
    Lunch (consume) -500 = 500
    Exercise (burn) +300 = 800
    Dinner (consume) = Eat what you want so long as it is within 800 calories

    This programme encourages you to exercise so you can earn those extra calories, which means you can eat more. what you want to try to do is keep that savings account topped up to 1400. If you don't eat back your calories your body can go into starvation mode and produce more fat than you want. The penny only dropped for me yesterday so I am now able to adjust how I eat and earn my calories because I love eating.

    I hope this provides some clarity for you and feel free to add me a friend if you want that extra bit of encouragement or motivation.

    All the best.:smile:
  • I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!! :sad:
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!! :sad:

    You asked the correct thing in your original post.

    "Should I aim to eat 1500 calories on the days where I burn 300, so I don't feel like I'm eating what I burned?"

  • StudioMaid
    StudioMaid Posts: 84 Member
    This is how I do it. I eat as close to 1200 calorie as possible and leave the calories that I earn when I exercise alone. There are days however that I do go over 1200 because I want a day that I eat what I want, but I still stay within my calorie alotment.
  • So basically - if my limit is 1200 - let's say I go over to 1500. I just make sure that I burn 300, right?
    I'm sorry you guys. I'm figuring this all out and don't know who to ask, I just want to make sure I'm losing at least 1 pound a week. :frown:
  • I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!! :sad:

    You asked the correct thing in your original post.

    "Should I aim to eat 1500 calories on the days where I burn 300, so I don't feel like I'm eating what I burned?"

    THANK YOU :)
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    ya.. u can eat em back.. cuz your "NET" calories are at 1200 so that means no exercise at all days u eat just the 1200 (to stay on target) if you go to the gym and burn 300 cals then you can eat those "back".. because you burned em! so you 'earned' em.. comes in handy on nights you know your going out to diner or a bday party or something...
    30#'s in 3 mo is do-able but will be challenging... cutting way back on carbs /sugars will help! and cutting out diet drinks too
    welcome to mfp!
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 140 Member
    Ok...keep it simple: Don't go below 1200. If you stick between 1200-1500 cal a day, make sure you balance them well, so you get all your nutrients. Eat fruit, veggies, lean protein. Listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry. Eat slowly and enjoy each bite. Stop when you start to feel full. Listen to what your body tells you. It won't lead you astray. Good luck!!!
  • I do not agree with MFP's goals at all. Based on your age/height/weight (18/62"/190lb) If you are exercising 2-3x/week at your current weight your body is burning 2321 cal/day. If you were in a coma you would burn 1688 calories/day. A 500 cal defecit from 2321 would be 1821. If you eat that many calories you will lose approximately 1lb of fat per week (500 calorie defecit/day x 7days).

    By eating only 1200 calories your body thinks it is starving therefore is killing off muscle and storing fat. Now you need to convince your body that you are not in a famine. You WILL lose weight at 1200 calories BUT it will be hard and you will damage your metabolism in the process. I'm not sure why MFP always calculates BMRs to be so low.

    So in summary you should NEVER EVER EVER eat below your BMR (1688) and you should aim for 1800 cal/day. If you eat that many calories per day for the rest of your life you will slowly get to your goal weight and stay there and no more yo yo dieting. Your benefit is that you are young! I am 5'2", but I am 27 years old. I started my weight loss journey at 209lb. In 8 months I have lost 25 lb and have about 36 lb to go until my goal weight. I don't want to be dieting the rest of my life so I picked how many calories I would need to eat to maintain my goal weight and am eating that now. That when when it comes to maintanence I don't have to change a thing. Good luck girl, you can do it!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Try working your numbers out through this link - you will find that you should be eating a lot more than just 1200.

    I used your profile stats and you BMR is 1330 - this is the number you do not want to net below. To loose weight you need to eat less then your TDEE. Your TDEE will vary depending on how active you are and how much you exercise. You take a 20% cut from your TDEE

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 2036 -20% = 1628
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2333 - 20% = 1866
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2630 - 20% = 2104

    If you spend time in the gym then you are not sedentary - so you are either light to moderate

    Eat more than 1330 and somewhere near 1800 you will loose safely. This method includes you deficit as well as your exercise calories so you don't need to eat them back. You just plan your daily meals for around 1800. Your deficit will be higher on gym days but a bit lower on your recovery days.


    The BMR is calculated using your body fat % which is why it is lower that the above posters calculations. Since your BMI is so high you can safley do a 30% cut for now if you are moderately active the 1800 target would still be safe for you.

    Also you should set your macros to 45% protein, 30% carbs, 25% fats
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    *Cheering, applauding, and pointing to audmom1218!

    What she said. All of it!

    If you try to lose your weight fast, it will come right back with a vengeance.

    Set your MFP goal to 1800, and then log all of your food and exercise, and end each day as close to "0 calories remaining" as you can, and you'll lose the weight, get more fit, and become a healthy, fit person for the rest of your life!

    Best wishes to you -- you can (and WILL) do this!
  • its simple jest eat healthly foods like fruit and veg. those foods are low in calories and when you burn the calories don't eat what you lost. its good to gain your calories back from doing work outs.
  • I never eat them back
  • StudioMaid
    StudioMaid Posts: 84 Member
    So basically - if my limit is 1200 - let's say I go over to 1500. I just make sure that I burn 300, right?
    I'm sorry you guys. I'm figuring this all out and don't know who to ask, I just want to make sure I'm losing at least 1 pound a week. :frown:

    Don't worry so much it will come as time goes on. Just make sure you watch your calorie intake and try to stay at your 1200 calorie limit. If you go over once in a while it's ok. Just relax and you WILL get the hang of it. That is why we are all here; to help those who need it. Sometime those of us who have been on here for a while still need help from each other.
    Don't sweat it.......well maybe you do need to sweat. hehe. Good luck and keep asking questions they will be answered. :flowerforyou:
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I think you can do it. I weighed in at 216 pounds in February 2012 and by May 11, 2012 I lost 40lb. You need to stay true, honest, and dedicated to what you are eating. Make sure you have cardio and strength training in your workout. Try to eat 5-6 times a day
    that will increase you metabolism..My third suggestion is to eat quality calories. What you eat is just as important as how many
    calories you are eating. I am certainly not a clean eater, but try to make some good food choices. I keep my diary open to the public, so if you want to look at what I ate in the beginning of my journey, I suggest looking from March on. I started at 1200 calories a day but I was hungry. My husband went into the hospital February 19 and I was not eating as much as I should of. One of my instructors at the gym got me to up my base calories. My diary may give you some food options. Good luck on your journey.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I never eat them back

    Why? Your deficit is already there.