
I am absolutely starving today. All I want to do is eat but I have been refraining from doing so. I have a whole whopping 40 cals left in my original allotted cals. To make it worse I want brownies, cookie dough, chocolate candy bars, chocolate snack cakes all stuff I can't have. I don't think I have anything in the house not loaded with sodium (I a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY over that!) and low enough in cals. Gonna be a tough night for sure.


  • drink loads of water that usually helps me and try to find some low cal snacks that have some chocolate in them like special k chocolate drizzle bars = 90 cals and they hit the chocolate sweet tooth!
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    Have you exercised yet? You can earn some extra calories that way plus it will curb your hunger.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Your calories are set to low figure out a more reasonable daily amount and go have a snack.
  • AlizaBrandon
    AlizaBrandon Posts: 7 Member
    LOL! Do I know that feeling! Drink a giant glass of ice water and take a walk around the block. When you came back and you still want that treat well first do focus on the things who "can't" have or you'l head straight for frig an eat more than you'd would normally want anyway. That is if you are anything like me :) 40 calories? How about a glass of chocolate milk or diet chocolate pudding? Or a sugar-free gum? Hmm... hope it helps
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Did as much exercise as I physically could today which wasn't a whole lot. Working on my last 2 glasses of water, can add more. Stuck at home, carless, so I can't go get any low cal snacks. Is air popped popcorn with ICBINB spray terrible I wonder?
  • lustrebass
    lustrebass Posts: 47 Member
    Do some more exercise to earn some more calories! Jogging in place for 15 minutes will do the trick! or go for a brisk walk. Or go up/down stairs for a while. or jumping jacks. whatever! You will feel proud and satisfied afterward, and then can enjoy something with protein, like some peanut butter on toast or something.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Probably because your calorie goal is ridiculously low.... You're hungry because you aren't eating enough!
    I started out over 200 pounds and lost weight eating 1600ish net calories s day -1200 cals just isn't necessary for most people.
    I suggest that you reset your goals, choosing "lose 1 pound per week", that should give you a more realistic calorie goal.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Console yourself with the idea that you have loads of new free calories after midnight. That's what I do. Then when midnight comes you can eat something you really like or just wait until morning.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    LOL...Grab the water bottle and drink lots!!!!
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    One lo-cal and filling snack I use sometimes is plain old cereal. I like Kashi's Heart to Heart Cereal--kind of their version of cheerios. I get the warm cinnamon one, but the honey toasted is good also. Put about a cup in a ziploc baggie and I bring it to work to nibble on when I get a snacking urge--that's if I used up all my fruit already. I'll nibble on it at night if I'm hungry. Don't have to eat a lot to fill the pangs. I also don't deprive myself of my chocolate. Karen and no chocolate is NOT a good thing :laugh:
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I am absolutely starving today. All I want to do is eat but I have been refraining from doing so. I have a whole whopping 40 cals left in my original allotted cals. To make it worse I want brownies, cookie dough, chocolate candy bars, chocolate snack cakes all stuff I can't have. I don't think I have anything in the house not loaded with sodium (I a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY over that!) and low enough in cals. Gonna be a tough night for sure.

    Just eat. Tomorrow is a new day. Unfortunately, if you are hungry, that's your body's way of saying "quit feeding me junk and give me REAL FOOD!" If you are craving cakes then it must want sugar; eat a banana with a plain fried egg.

    EDIT: You're also sodium overloaded. You need to fill water back into your body balance yourself again.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Drink green tea! Or any tea! It usually fills me up for a few good hours and on top of that, it is an antioxidant :) and apparently has some weight loss properties (I don't really know). I love tea. :)
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Do some more exercise to earn some more calories! Jogging in place for 15 minutes will do the trick! or go for a brisk walk. Or go up/down stairs for a while. or jumping jacks. whatever! You will feel proud and satisfied afterward, and then can enjoy something with protein, like some peanut butter on toast or something.

    I would if I could. I am limited because of fibromyalgia. I overdid it at the gym already today just walking a mile on a treadmill.
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    When you planning your meal for the upcoming week, try some whole foods and cut back on the soda. If you eat you calories and not drink them you'll be a lot more full.
  • tfryrear
    tfryrear Posts: 3 Member
    Right on! You can exercise again even if you have already today!


    You could just go on to bed...LOL! I have done that many times, get hungry, can't eat just go to bed...LOL!
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Do some more exercise to earn some more calories! Jogging in place for 15 minutes will do the trick! or go for a brisk walk. Or go up/down stairs for a while. or jumping jacks. whatever! You will feel proud and satisfied afterward, and then can enjoy something with protein, like some peanut butter on toast or something.

    I would if I could. I am limited because of fibromyalgia. I overdid it at the gym already today just walking a mile on a treadmill.

    I had Fibromaylgia symptoms in April. I went Gluten free and all my Fibromaylgia symptoms are gone. The only time they come back is when I have a starchy food or when I eat something with gluten in it.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Drink green tea! Or any tea! It usually fills me up for a few good hours and on top of that, it is an antioxidant :) and apparently has some weight loss properties (I don't really know). I love tea. :)

    Oh, I have lots of flavored green teas! I go in spurts drinking them to help my joints/fibromyalgia. I will try that! Thanks
  • kat5556
    kat5556 Posts: 164 Member
    I would if I could. I am limited because of fibromyalgia. I overdid it at the gym already today just walking a mile on a treadmill.

    Even more reason to cut out the soda and canned foods. Look up foods that are natural anti-inflammatory type foods. Eating whole grains, nuts, low fat dairy, veggies and fruits will make you feel a whole lot better.