Weekends are My Downfall

kookla33 Posts: 234
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am realizing I can keep my weight pretty steady until the weekends hit. Especially during the holidays!
Last weekend, I was at a family get together and there was nothing healthy there except the veggie platter I brought. I was hungry for real food, but allowed myself to snack a little too much on the brie with carmelized topping and pecans, egg rolls, and brownies.
It's hardest for me when the only food offered is fattening, and when it's not very filling.

We were there for a while too, so it was tough not to go back and get more. I was hungry!

I struggle with not wanting to offend people. Like, when my friend brought cheescake to our game night a couple weekends ago. A few people wouldn't eat it because it's so fattening. So, I felt bad for her and ate it-and the scale showed a one pound gain the next morning.

I'm going to work on planning my meals better on the weekends and not allowing myself to be responsible for other people's feelings if they bring unhealthy and fattening food!

Anyone else going through the same stuff?


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have a hard time cause I love the weekend meals out with my son, we do a saturday wafflehouse that usually does me in I usually get something really bad like the cheese steak with my hashbrowns loaded lol lately I have had a small bowl of chili and salad but now i am seeing maybe a pecan waffle would be healthier lol.......and our chinese buffets...yes I just love food!! Hard to get my mentality back to how I was when I was in san diego
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have a hard time cause I love the weekend meals out with my son, we do a saturday wafflehouse that usually does me in I usually get something really bad like the cheese steak with my hashbrowns loaded lol lately I have had a small bowl of chili and salad but now i am seeing maybe a pecan waffle would be healthier lol.......and our chinese buffets...yes I just love food!! Hard to get my mentality back to how I was when I was in san diego
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    yeah the weekends are hardest for me too....so easy to give in to temptation when my hubby's idea of nutrition is "you can eat whatever you want if you just work out enough". It works for him, because he is willing to go to the gym for 3-4 hours, but I know I won't.

    That sai, I do not think it is possible to gain a pound from a slice of cheesecake. 1 lb=3500 extra unburned calories, so unless you had like a quarter of the cheesecake, that wasn't the culprit that time LOL
  • cashmandue
    cashmandue Posts: 26 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that struggles on the weekends! I do so well during the week - I exercise over my exercise goal and I stay well within my calories. Then the weekend comes along and it's the only time I really get to spend with my fiance, so I usually don't get to work out as we are running errands or just relaxing (because our weeks are so hectic). Of course, if we are just chillin' out for the weekend, it's so tempting to snack!
    I don't know, it's hard...I know I cannot sustain working out 7 days a week, so I just try to stay within my calorie range on the weekends and if I go a little over, I try not to stress about it. I'm still losing 1 to 2 pounds a week, so I guess I'm doing ok.
    One thing I found is that even going for a 30 minute walk, squeezing that in on like Sunday, helps a lot.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    weekends suck! Especially now that its time for celebrations everywhere! I keep telling myself I am going to be so good... then I'M NOT! Its really depressing that I don't have the self control that I started this out with... I could do so much better and I know it because I have. Between cocktails and making cookies and breads for the kids I can't stay within my calorie allotment... and now it is topping out in the teens during the day.... I don't want to go out and walk or anything its TOO cold.
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    I do my official weigh-in on Mondays which helps me through the weekend...I know I don't want to see that scale go up!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I do my official weigh-in on Mondays which helps me through the weekend...I know I don't want to see that scale go up!

    Ditto - my weigh ins are on Monday's too which helps me have more control over what I eat during the weekend. When my weigh ins were on Friday mornings..forget about it! Friday all day, saturday and sunday I would go ballistic. lol.
  • mm01
    mm01 Posts: 2
    Yeah. Just realized I didn't count the fries I had while out shopping .. and the cute mini-muffins i made - a healthy recipe, but I had about 6 of them..

    I can't eat or not eat for my friends... You have to be strong -- 'not offending' a friend that brought a fattening dessert is really, at the end of the day - and excuse to eat something that you know is not part of your healthy eating plan. Does your friend know that you are trying to change your eating habits? While, we who are trying to eat healthy can't dictate what others eat, we can certainly ask for support and ask them to take the remaining cheesecake with them (give it to the office the next day or something).

    Going to try advice from a nutritionist -- eat something healthy before going to a party .. then you won't be hungry and put just any old thing in your mouth .. save it for the really good or new things you want to try at the party ....
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I do pretty poorly on the weekends, usually Sunday I don't track at all. I usually start out making good choices, but I frequently don't exercise on the weekends, so I don't get the extra calories, but I'm still hungry for them. If I get things in order early enough, I try to remember to exercise in front of the TV, my wind down time.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I do my official weigh-in on Mondays which helps me through the weekend...I know I don't want to see that scale go up!

    Ditto - my weigh ins are on Monday's too which helps me have more control over what I eat during the weekend. When my weigh ins were on Friday mornings..forget about it! Friday all day, saturday and sunday I would go ballistic. lol.

    Same here. Monday morning weigh-in = stricter weekends, lol.

    I actually like weekends. I find it WAY easier to find the time to work out- and I burn tonnes of calories doing housework around the house.

    My pitfall is always evenings. Because after working all day, I don't have a lot of energy to put into figuring out what to make for dinner. So often I (in the past! Not now, not anymore! I won't allow it! Lol.) resort to making something quick and easy, like mac and cheese or something. Then from 6:30-9, after dinner and before bed, when I'm usually settling down to watch TV, I feel like I NEED to eat. I get the munchies hardcore. That's when I'm most likely to screw up.

    I'm trying to remedy that by exercising at night (between 7 and 8 there's nothing on TV worth watching anyways... :p), and by pre-cooking my dinner meals so that I don't have to think about what to make, it's just there waiting to be nuked up. :)
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    There are some good ideas in all of your posts! I am going to start doing weigh-ins on Mondays every week too.

    Yes, I guess that's true that I can't gain a pound from cheescake. I think it was everything combined, and it just put me over the top. It's weird though- no matter how little I've eaten or how much I've exercised, I always feel fat after cheescake.

    Evenings are tough for me too! I know there's chocolate in the pantry and I can't stop thinking about it. I can't really get rid of it because it's my kids' candy.

    I am going to really work on being more disciplined this coming weekend. It's my daughter's birthday party though, so I wll have to really prepare and stay focused!
  • I am on the road everyday during the week therefore I take a lunch box and I refuse to buy food whilst on the road. My wife ensures that I have a healthy meal during the day(lucky me). I also had the problem when I open a kitchen cupboard over weekend I tend to overindulge. To make it easier she still packs a lunch box for the Saturday even though I am at home. It takes self discipline to stick to the routine but it worked for me, I weight on a Fridays and then again on a Mondays that gives you an indication what damage the weekend did. You might loose 3lb during the week but gain 1.5 over the weekend.
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    Evenings are tough for me too! I know there's chocolate in the pantry and I can't stop thinking about it. I can't really get rid of it because it's my kids' candy.

    I had to ban candy from the house. I don't have the willpower to keep from eating it, but I DO have the willpower to just not buy it in the first place. It's all about the little victories I guess.

    However, I know my DH breaks my no candy rule and stashes chocolate for the kids on occasion, I just don't know where. I've told him that if I ever figure out where he stashes it i'm going to start making him lock it up!! Lol.
  • You are so right. One of the biggest rules are. YOU MUST CREATE A FAILSAFE ENVIROMENT. If it is not there you can not eat it
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Good point on keeping the candy. I think I will outlaw anymore coming into the house, except for my 70% dark chocolate, which I am pretty good at keeping to small amounts.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    This weekend was pretty rough as far as exercise and temptation go. Was WAY too busy to fit any work-outs in... but I think the calories burned doing what I was doing (decorating for Christmas, housework, making Christmas chocolates with my mom and sister) makes up for it, lol!

    I ate well, kept within my calories and everything- except for the fact that I wasn't at home 2/3 of those days, so I had to really work on the fly, finding things to eat that were healthy. Ate a nutritious dinner at my friend's place (though I had potatoes. ICK! It's all she had. And they were good. But STARCHY and high in calories. I ate about the same sized portion as my one-year-old, and stocked up on peas and chicken, lol) and at my mom's, I made some scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast when she cracked open a can of Zoodles.

    Believe it or not I actually did OK with the chocolates even though they were all around me! I think you reach a point when your body actually starts to get grossed out by the things it used to crave. Even so, to avoid temptation altogether, I hid all the chocolates in the deep freeze so that I won't be tempted to stuff my face if that time of the month rolls around.....
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    That''s great that you are so disciplined about not eating sweets mercuryblue. I am not there yet, but looking forward to getting to that point.

    I had some homemade mud pie last night though, and I threw it away after a few bites because it tasted too sweet. I was proud of myself for that because I would have normally eaten it anyway. I like to treat myself every once in awhile but I always want to make sure it's something I really like, and that I'm not just eating out of boredom.
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