Weight loss stopped...



  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Ok I have started working out, I am using the wii fit plus. I also upped my calories today to see if that will help. I am going to start eating 1800 calories a day, and not trying to be under every day. For the most part what we eat is not processed foods, I cook most of our meals from scratch, and only eat convenience foods if I am stuck at work and didn't bring food. We do eat carbs, but they are much less than before, and not something I can cut out completely. I do not expect to lose a ton, but I didn't expect to hit a plateu so quickly. I appreciate everyone's input, thank you for the help.

    I almost think 1800 calories is going to be too much. I do 1200-1300 a day, and it works for me. Everyone is different though, so you won't know until you try. But don't listen to people who tell you you aren't eating enough. 1200-1300 calories is plenty if you're comfortable at that amount. Some people have to eat more, but my body is used to this amount, so I'm not hungry. I eat all day long, I just choose healthy stuff!!
  • elismom408
    elismom408 Posts: 12 Member
    When I let MFP calculate my calorie goal it is 2030, and my BMR is 2087, so 1800 is still under both of those numbers.I figure I will give it a week and see what the results are, if it doesn't work for me I can always go back down to 1400. I wasn't hungry then, and now I feel like I always have to eat. I am not sure what to do, but I am trying this for now.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    When I let MFP calculate my calorie goal it is 2030, and my BMR is 2087, so 1800 is still under both of those numbers.I figure I will give it a week and see what the results are, if it doesn't work for me I can always go back down to 1400. I wasn't hungry then, and now I feel like I always have to eat. I am not sure what to do, but I am trying this for now.
    A week isn't long enough so you may as well not bother if you're not willing to give it more like 4-6.