Seriously lacking motivation! HELP

Hi, I've tried my fitness pal before with good results, but found it hard to stay on track as I didn't ask for support from the forum! So I'm back again, time to start anew. I've had a struggle this year with depression, but I don't want that to be an excuse any more. I know I can lose weight, but just need some guidance along the way. Thanks


  • I'll add you for sure. I'm going through a rough patch right now in my own life, but working out regularly and eating healthy makes my body feel good. In turn this makes me feel even better. It's tough pushing through the bad stuff to see the good in life, but everyday is a new day and I won't go back to bad habits! I'll help you stay on track with what you want from this site as long as you help me too!!
  • I'm right there with you! I know what I need to do and I want to do it, but for some reason, I don't do it! It's time to lose the weight once and for all! Hopefully with some support, I'll finally get it right! Good luck to you!
  • No excuses, just pure determination. Add me and we will support each other!
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    The fact that you are willing to try again indicates that you really want to help yourself. I, too, struggle with keeping a long term commitment to something as difficult in changing eatng and exercise habits in order to lose weight. So I will be glad to offer you support.
  • Weightloss is so hard, trust me I know first hand. I am right in your shoes I have been back and forth with diets and fitnesspal and everything in between. But think about it this way, weightloss is hard- if it were easy everyone would look that way.So with hard work and modivation from blogs, pictures, me, and this website you can get into shape! Remember to start small, if you change too much too quick then your cravings will triple and double. So don't be hard on yourself if you mess up :) This is meant to be a journey not a quick drop off, so focus on how you are going to look through out. Just think all of the beautiful clothes you can buy, new swimming suits, as well as the looks people will give you because this time you're the one in shape and they chose to do nothing. Stay strong and remember one day at a time. We are human we mess up and thats okay. Just hop back on the next day and try to be better heck I messed up for 2 weeks and now I am finally getting back to it by getting the fitness account. I am here if you need support or work out ideas, even food! Just let me know!
    Good Luck! You're going to do great!!
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I find this site competitive and supportive. I see friends working out for 60 minutes a day so I have to try and beat that. On days I dont want to work out I just make a post and at least four friends are on there telling me to get up and do it. I love this site. Have lost 20lbs since May 20. Feel free to add me if ya dont mind a kick in the butt when you misbehave.
  • liberty0624
    liberty0624 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow! I am feeling so much more positive already...I really wasn't expecting such a quick response, so thanks everyone. I can see that other peoples exercise etc.. comes up on my news feed, what a great idea. I definitely feel that I have come to the right place :)
  • I, too, deal with depression. A visit to my doctor and sessions with a counselor has helped, but it remains a cloud on the horizon. I can suggest that you work to maintain a positive attitude. Getting into better physical condition and losing weight will certainly help you to feel better about yourself and life in general.

    I state the obvious, but set reasonable, achievable goals and strive to make fitness and healthy diet a habit rather than a punishment. All of the moral support you could want is available via these forums.

    Best of luck to you. You can do this.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm on the same journey!
  • chizumlassstar
    chizumlassstar Posts: 49 Member
    Hello, I too struggle with depression. I went many years without having proper treatment. Anyways, there are still days when I wake up and think, "no way, I can't do this, why am I even trying?" then I think "Me, no one is going to help you on your journey, only you can help you" What I'm trying to say is, give it 1 week. In my first week I lost 6 pounds and could visually see a difference. The results are worth all the sweat, grunting, sore muscles, and not eating brownies. Is it easy? Hell no its not easy. Sometimes it feels like the people I have around me are trying to sabatoge me by inviting me to dinner, or offering me sweets. Every day is a struggle but when you win even a small battle, the rewards are worth so much, I can't even begine to tell you. If you want to add me, I will do my best to help motivate you.

    Oh yeah, exercise is really helpful for depression. It takes some effort to get up and do it but once you do it and the endorphins are flowing, you feel so good. Remember that feeling the next time you "don't feel like it".
  • lisamichele06
    lisamichele06 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel the same way, and am looking for the support this time around too!
  • WEEEELLLLCCOOOMMEEE!!!! I've only been here for a month but love the friends, supports, ideas and general vibe of the site. Overall it's uber positive. Every post I've made has been bombed w/ replies almost instantly! Feel free to add me -- I'm in it for the long haul!!! My oldest is 13 years old, youngest is 3 and since I'm done w/ having kids I can now lose the pregnancy weight! :drinker: :ohwell: