Late introduction

Well, I've actually been on here for about a month now, but I figured I should put some kind of introduction haha

About a year ago I weighed 270 pounds. I had off and on tried to lose weight but wasn't all that into it. Too much effort maybe!
Eventually I made some diet changes and started trying to get more active, which got me down to about 250 for several months. Then earlier this year there were about three weeks where I was at work constantly. Long days, every day including weekends. I work in a place where I am on my feet most of the day, including lifting, climbing and moving things around. (I swear if I didn't work here I would have been a complete blob haha) After those few weeks I found that I had lost 10 pounds, and I decided I should keep going and work towards getting in shape. I started watching what I eat and that dropped another 5 pounds and got me to 235. My friend at work had been using MFP for a while and I asked him about it and got it on my phone. Just seeing a number with what I eat/burn has made it a lot easier to keep track of things and manage myself. Plus the people on here are really supportive. I started increasing my activity and in the month I've had MFP, as of yesterday I was down to 227 pounds, which I haven't weighed since early high school!
I'm shooting for 220 right now, but I think eventually I'd like to be at about 200, so I'm gonna keep on truckin.
My exercise (on top of working exercises into my work day) has mostly been martial arts based (Wing Chun) and kettlebells (made out of 2.5 gallon jugs haha but I have some real ones coming this week) and I've even made a jump rope, and have been looking at bikes.
A lot of my friends have become at least somewhat serious about getting more in shape at around the same time as me, so we are all kind of in a friendly competition to see who gets to their goal first. We're all helping each other keep up with it.
My best friend is all about the gym so I'm hoping to show him up from home haha

SO, that's my story so far haha
Anyway, if anyone doing wing chun, kung fu, or pretty much any martial art feel free to add me.
I'm also learning how to speak Chinese and I love learning other languages too so if you speak or are learning Chinese I'd definitely like to talk to you as well.

Generally, if you feel like adding me, go ahead. I've been told I'm easy to talk to :D