Is emotional abuse illegal?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    but you can get away from them. i know from your other post you mentioned you are strapped financially, however, you can go to a shelter,

    her parents supposedly dont support her healthy food choices and because they eat Mcdonalds and called her rude for not eating the food they bought for her, so she claims emotional abuse.

    This would not qualify as emotional abuse.

    advising her to go live in a shelter? come on. I would suggest you visit a shelter and see if you think this would be an easier way to live.

    Calling me a mistake, a worthless piece of ****, I have no brain cells, a slut, I don't deserve happiness, a stupid *****, telling me I should go kill myself and blaming my brother stabbing me on me isn't emotional abuse?
    Oh, tell me what is then.

    It's a nightmare is what it is.

    Thats not only emotional abuse but physical.. and like others said, you need to get out.

    I barely spend anytime at home anymore.. why? Because I'm freaking sick and tired of listening to my father treat me like crap! I either go to work, the gym or out with friends when I can.. and if I do need to be home, then I stay in my room far away from him.

    that is not physical abuse. the part from her parents anyways. the thing about emotional and psychological abuse is that it can't be quantified in terms of the damage that it is doing. but there are options. i recommend seeking counselling.

    Yeah, my brother used to abuse me physically but has stopped now. My parents still blame it on me though :S
    Thankyou darl, I'll look into it.
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    I actually think any type of domestic abuse is illegal in the UK.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I actually think any type of domestic abuse is illegal in the UK.

    Do you know about Australia?
    I don't necessarily care if it is illegal, I'm just trying to find a way out.
    And will defs look see if there is anything close to my campus
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    You are old enough, find a job and get out. I'm sorry but anyone who has the will power to really get out finds a way. I have a friend who left home at 16 and has made it. I've had friends leave horrible marriages with NOTHING and make it. It's about will power and just doing what needs to be done even if it's working 2-3 jobs before you can get the school loans.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    If it was my ex would be in jail for a long time!!!!!!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    And it may border on illegal in Australia if it involves threats and/or intimidation. From what I've read it would probably qualify for you to get an intervention order/avo depending on ur state.

    I'm a lawyer based in Melbourne so message me if you need anymore info.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You are old enough, find a job and get out. I'm sorry but anyone who has the will power to really get out finds a way. I have a friend who left home at 16 and has made it. I've had friends leave horrible marriages with NOTHING and make it. It's about will power and just doing what needs to be done even if it's working 2-3 jobs before you can get the school loans.

    I actually did move out at 16 but came back at 18 cos the person I was living with passed away..
    How do I work 3 jobs whilst I'm at school 30+ hours a week? I already work 20ish a week
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Emotional abuse isn't illegal, its too rough to define, one persons emotional abuse is another's 'just being bit mean'.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Sadly, no.

    It's impossible to prove and impossible to see the injuries and the legal system is already clogged beyond breaking point.

    The only thing an emotionally abused person can do is get away from the abuser. (hopefully this is possible)

    Been there, done that. I moved out of home at 17 due to unrelenting emotional bullying - I'm 35 now and I've never really recovered.

    I left my last job due to bullying and then my partner was emotionally abusive to me - I am currently attempting to organise accomodation so I can get out completely. This has left me bruised but not broken.... just hanging on. Finding someone to share this with is a great help..... here if you need me xx
  • LupaNera
    At least in europe there are some new lows on stalking and emotional abuse can go there if the person abused asks the help of authorities.
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    there's always hope, and remember what your going through now, however hard is temporary (that's what i always tell myself to build me up). i have had to cut off all ties from a very verbally abusive father, i spent the first two years breathing a sigh of relief, just to let you know it will get better x personally, i have been to counselling & am waiting for "toxic parents: overcoming their hurtful legacy and reclaiming your life" book to arrive from amazon. best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • Sloth_TurtleGirl
    Sloth_TurtleGirl Posts: 79 Member
    The person who told you to move out is right. I had a pretty nasty situation when I was younger and that is exactly what I did. If you are working three jobs, you should be able to pay rent somewhere. Look at aid programs that will help you. Finding out whether what they are doing is legal or illegal isn't going to help you. So, what if it is illegal? Are you going to sue to make love you? You live in their house. Do you think that will make the situation better? I'm just trying to understand what you want the end result to be and I'm just going by what I've read on this thread. I'm under the impression based on earlier posts that this is about your parents, not a boyfriend.

    As someone who had endured a lot of discrimination, bullying, and other crap, I will say that the only person who can really save you is yourself. Suing someone for not liking your or calling your names does not cause them to suddenly care about you. It makes things worse. Getting out of the situation, standing on your own, and walking away will make the situation better.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Beauty, I'm in the US and don't know anything about your social welfare system. I suspect though that if you contact an organization for abused women, they may have a list of resources that could be helpful to you, even if what you are enduring from your parents doesn't meet your country's legal definition of abuse.

    Re getting out of the house. Work your butt off to get out of there. Look in newspapers, online sites like craigslist etc. to find a room to rent. Go to the campus of the school you are attending and look on campus buttetin boards for ads for places to rent. Where there are students, there are generally rooms to rent in the surrounding neighborhood.

    Lastly, if you really can't swing it financially, just spend as little time at home as possible (it sounds like you will be busy with work and classes) and try to let the comments roll off your back. Your parents don't define who you are--you do. Look up "illegitimi non carborundum" ...
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i forgot to say, when i was young enough and living with my parents, i was told over and over again i wouldn't be able to stand on my own two feet & how worthless i was & believed it, i didn't move out till i was 22. worse decision ever, get out and get out of that situation asp, nothing is worse than living like that
  • Sloth_TurtleGirl
    Sloth_TurtleGirl Posts: 79 Member
    That sounds like an interesting book. I might look that up! I haven't had a conversation with my father since 2007. To be honest, my life has been more peaceful and more fulfilling - except for the fact there are a few who'd like to reunite us for the sake of my grandmother. However, as much as I love my grandmother, the reality is that I will not cross the bridge again with my father. It has been burned too many times. My children do not know him. I wanted to raise them surrounded by people who they would know loved them no matter what, whose love they didn't have to earn.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    but you can get away from them. i know from your other post you mentioned you are strapped financially, however, you can go to a shelter,

    her parents supposedly dont support her healthy food choices and because they eat Mcdonalds and called her rude for not eating the food they bought for her, so she claims emotional abuse.

    This would not qualify as emotional abuse.

    advising her to go live in a shelter? come on. I would suggest you visit a shelter and see if you think this would be an easier way to live.

    Calling me a mistake, a worthless piece of ****, I have no brain cells, a slut, I don't deserve happiness, a stupid *****, telling me I should go kill myself and blaming my brother stabbing me on me isn't emotional abuse?
    Oh, tell me what is then.

    You just need to leave. It isn't against the law. You have to go on with your life and not get stuck in wanting to punish them. It's a cycle. Get away and don't look back.
  • Lauran845
    Lauran845 Posts: 71 Member
    The person who said move out is correct. I know it is hard to hear that, but it is true and even harder to hear, I am sure, is that if going to school is what stops you from working to be able to afford to move, then you need to cut your hours back at school and spend an extra two or three semesters working on your degree. I went to college for five years because I made the choice to pay a mortgage at 19, which involved cutting school back to part-time so I could work full-time with overtime to pay the bills. I work for the judicial system in America and in my State emotional abuse can warrant you a protective order, but nothing more. The protective order states "No Contact, Stay 100 yards away and Do not threaten, molest or attack". Since it isn't your house, the burden on leaving is up to you.

    I wish you well and I hope you can resolve the rift in your family, or learn to live independent of them. It is a terrible situation when you are constantly being put down, though in life you have two can be a victim or a make the choice.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I hope it isn't...
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    It would impossible to outlaw because A) it defines differently from person-to-person, B) it's tough to prove, and C) it's too prevalent to control.

    I'd be all for it, but it's just not feasible for the US.
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    Sadly, no.

    It's impossible to prove and impossible to see the injuries and the legal system is already clogged beyond breaking point.

    The only thing an emotionally abused person can do is get away from the abuser. (hopefully this is possible)

    Been there, done that. I moved out of home at 17 due to unrelenting emotional bullying - I'm 35 now and I've never really recovered.

    What if you can;t get away from them though... :L

    If you an adult without disabilities (mental or physical), you can get away. There are always options. If you remain in a situation like that, you are bringing it on yourself. There are plenty of agencies, churches, etc. who will provide assistance. If you are referring to the situation with your parents, it is entirely up to you.