I want to run outside - where do I start?!



  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Wow! Lots of wonderful advice here. I feel more inspired to go out there. I am going to give it a little go today - just walk/run/walk - but mostly walking, without the C25k to get familiar with my route. The route I have chosen is just under 5k, so over the weeks I will be able to see how much I progress!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    I was embarassed also to where I would only walk if cars or people were around and run when I thought no one was looking. However, after the first couple weeks, I just realized that no one was out there judging me and that all those other runners and walkers were simply full of support and those who didn't get off their couch were just jealous. So, just get out there and put one foot in front of another as outside walking it AWESOME!!!! I started at 256 pounds and now run races pretty often. Totally love it!
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I know it sounds silly but I think the problem is that I am too embarassed to run outside :blushing: on my own. I am hardly lithe and athletic after all!

    check out this link. I think it may help. We tend to overestimate the negative in ourselves and sometimes we need to know how the world may actually be seeing us. (please note, I in no way think you are fat, it is simply the title)


    Sorry. should have read the whole post, didn't realize someone had posted the same link.
  • Christinamae79
    i have just started running as well. i was kinda thinking the same thing, but i bring my ipod and my dog and i get into my tunes. plus it has a nike app on it that helps motivate me. when i worry about what people may think, i remember what my thoughts are when i see somebody running, and im usually jealous of that persons ability. so i think maybe people are thinking that of me :-) maybe i am inspiring someone :-) and that really motivates me :-)
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    When I started actually 'running' outside (I had started walking, jogging then running), I went to our High School track after school/practice was out. It was quiet and not many people were around (where I live there wasn't anyone!). It was easy to determine how far I went (i.e. 1 lap was a quarter mile, 2 a half, etc.). Eventually I moved to the road. I do find myself going back to the track at times. Especially when I don't want to bother with traffic.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Before I had a smartphone and the runkeeper app (which is wonderful!), I used the runkeeper website to plot out courses around my neighborhood. One lap around the park by my house is .31 miles, so 10 laps is a 5k. That was where I first started running outside, because there wasn't many people around, no traffic, soft ground, close to home if I wanted to quit, and portapotties on premisis in case of gastric emergencies. :wink:
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I think mornings are best for me - less people around ...... it comes in waves - one minute I'm going for it - the next - I'm nervous. I AM going to do it though. I have started a blog on here called "Mum on the run" to chart my progress!
  • Cheshire66
    I had to stop thinking about what people were thinking about me. But as my firend said: Does it really matter. I wanted to take up running, but was too embarrassed to start, as I was so concerned with what people were thinking about me. I became the NHS from Couch to 5k, excellent!!. It builds up your stamina and confidence over 9 weeks. You download it, either on your phone or your ipod/Mp3. Trying your local park if you do not want to run on the road.

    Give it a go, its fun! :smile:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A great thing to do is to use run/walk to actually go places you'd be going anyhow so you don't get that "Why am I here?" panic. I'll jog to the bank or to the supermarket and walk back with groceries.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I used to hate running past people. I still don't like it, but what has helped me is having my headphones on. When I started C25K, I suddenly stopped worrying about the other people. Having headphones on means I'm mostly in my own little world, and more than that - I'm on a mission. I'm listening to the music, following the instructions, trying to breath right, and mentally pushing myself onwards. If I take the headphones off, I'm suddenly self-conscious again but honestly, it is getting better.
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    I am on week 5 of C25K. I go to a park near my house to run and I love it. I am certainly not the fittest or thinnest person there, but I am doing it and I love getting an encouraging nod or hello from all the other joggers there with me. Everyone has to start somewhere. Just think, for all you know that skinny speed demon that lapped you twice could have weighed 300lbs a year ago. Lace up and hit the pavement, don't worry about what anyone else thinks, and just do it! Good luck!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    A great thing to do is to use run/walk to actually go places you'd be going anyhow so you don't get that "Why am I here?" panic. I'll jog to the bank or to the supermarket and walk back with groceries.

    That's exactly it! That feeling of panic. I have decided on jogging to the gym for now - at least I will have an excuse to be wearing a tracksuit outside!