Help, I want to feed my face. this normal

Hi All,

Ive been using MFP off and on for some time now, and lost a couple of stone in the process, but I sort of stopped loosing weight so I dug out my old race bicycle, joined the local cycling club and hit the roads. Brilliant, I can see Im getting faster and can cycle for longer but my problem is I now have this overwhelming desire to feed my face and munch through anything edible. Ive never felt anything like it, its as if I havent eaten for a week and need food now. I am still eating my normal meals and not cutting back on anything. Any thoughts greatly welcome.


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    cant see your meal plan but Im going to assume its your blood glucose levels, if you arnt getting enough carbs to sustain something like an endurance lifestyle such as what you described your body is going to basically just scream at you for carbs especially high GI carbs to raise your blood glucose levels, make sure your getting a steady flow of complex carbs throughout your day to maintain this, also post workout is a good time to get some fast carbs and proteins for this same reason, drink a gatorade thats what they are made for
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Your body definitely needs fuel to sustain such an active lifestyle. Get a heart rate monitor to estimate your calories burned and eat back some of your exercise calories. Another alternative is to just increase your activity level setting in MFP a notch. How many calories are you eating per day?