Giving it a go


I thought I would give this app and site a go, as a way of keeping account of my activity v calorie balance, so far its prooving interesting if a bit approximate. But it certainly makes one think. Good luck too you all in your endevers.



  • BerraH
    BerraH Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning to Everyone!
    A lady at work told me about because I had noticed that she had lost weight and asked her what she is doing. She has really done well because she said it forces her to be aware of what she eats. So I checked it out and just joined this about a week ago. Just like her, I really like the idea of being accountable by having to keep track of what I eat and entering it daily. I has really "opened my eyes" to how much I actually eat sometimes.
    The only thing I don't like about MFP is that it takes so, soooo, long to enter everything. I don't think it is my computer because this is a brand new computer and any other web sites that we go to works fine. It is just this one that really bogs down. Every time I click ANYTHING ( I.E. add food, add exercise, add water, etc) the little circle just spins around and around and says "waiting on" in the bottom left hand corner. I actually timed it once from the time I clicked "add checked food" to the time it actually went back to my diary where it had added it. It was over 2 minutes (if I remember correctly it was 2 min and 8 seconds). That is just terrible SLOW!!! Just this morning, I timed how long it took me to add my food and exercise for took me 52 minutes :-(
    Like I said, I really like the concepts and ideas of recording these things because it forces me to keep track of my food consumption. But I am about ready to give up on MFP just because it is sooooo slow!!
    Am I the only person that is experiencing this??? Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • emsicle_o
    emsicle_o Posts: 162 Member
    Could be your internet connection? Do other sites take as long or is it only this one? I noticed the other day that I had this problem when trying to add something using my phone. I haven't tried it with my phone since tbh
  • lynndur
    lynndur Posts: 6 Member
    I use this site on phone, ipad and computer and I have no problems with speed of use, it seems pretty seamless to me, no waiting around.
    Hope you figure out what's happening with your experience, it would be a shame to miss out on this site because of a technical problem somewhere.
  • rhad
    rhad Posts: 10
    LOVE this site----its amazing--good luck!