getting back in the saddle

ok, so i've been slacking for the last 3 weeks, but for good reason...

i had dental surgery just about 3 weeks ago, which left me in pain, with a ton of stitches in my mouth. kinda good for dieting, not so great for morale!
then the very next day after the operation, i got the flu!
talk about bad luck.

so, basically i was sick for about 10 days, and since, i've been recovering.
i was so sick, and lost my appetite so badly that i lost 6lbs in 4 days. not the kind of weight loss i'm aiming for really.

i decided that while i was recovering i wouldn't think about restricting calories, i've been eating pretty much whatever i felt like. so i've put 3lbs back on, but i'm totally ok with that. i'd rather get back to my pre-flu/surgery weight and then pick up where i left off.

so anyway, i'm now back in the land of the living and ready to get back to the gym and back to watching what i eat a bit more closely. i just need to get motivated! after 3 weeks out of the gym, it's hard to get myself back into the habit.
any advice on getting back on the wagon much appreciated!


  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    cold turkey thats what i did. well that may not be the word im loooking for but a kinda tough love approach and workout and eat healthy from the get go. make it a jumpo in the deep end of a cold pool kinda thing. its what i did to get back on the wagon.
  • nehptune
    nehptune Posts: 138
    i did it!
    i got to the gym last night after work and did 30 mins elliptical followed by a 30 min abs class.
    it's a pretty full-on class, but it rules! unfortunately that was the last class til the new year...

    tonight the plan is to swim for 30 mins.