Calorie reccs: MFP vs. my trainer...please help.

MBH3 Posts: 30
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I would really appreciate any input that may be helpful. My slow weight loss has been a source of frustration and I am getting contradicting recommendations from my trainer vs. MFP. Here is a snapshot of my situation.

I have a sedentary job so I am sitting a good deal of the day, however, I am also the mom of 3 (ages 5, and 2 year old twins) so my evenings and mornings are pretty hectic. I am 5'3" and weigh 156 lbs. I want to lose 25-30lbs. I work out 5-6 times per week, making sure I burn in the vicinity of 2500 cals per week (per my HRM) and stay within my target heartrate zone (per my HRM.) For the past 9 weeks, I have been working with a trainer. I do cardio 3-4 days per week for 45-60 minutes and 2 days per week I work with the trainer for 50 minutes (in a group setting w/ about 5 other women.) In my first 6 weeks of training, I lost 0 lbs. BUT I lost 10 inches. I was pretty bummed about it but happy for the inches lost. Here is where the confusion lies. MFP recc I eat 1200 cals per day. My trainer reccomends I eat a minimum of 1516 per day. She says I need the calories b/c of the intensity and frequency of my workouts. She also said that her theory is that my metabolism had 'hit the floor' b/c I was not feeding my body enough and it basically shut down. According to my trainer, I had to retrain my body to understand that I was going to feed it. She PROMISED me that the weight would eventually come off and reminded me that inches are more important that lbs. I get what she is saying BUT I am a scale addict. With 30lbs. to lose, shouldn't I be losing. In the past 2 weeks (8 weeks into my training program), the scale has finally started moving and I lost 2 lbs. I am hoping this is the beginnnig of many more weeks of losing. Now, my trainer recommends I eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories. That would put me eating like 1700 calories per day which seems so high. ( I have not done this yet.) She has also given me some info on carb cycling and I am considering do that, too. It is basically 5 days of low carb diet and 2 days/week of a higher carb diet.

Anyone have any thoughts on whether my calories seem high or if 1516 seems about right? I am so ready to lose this weight. I do have to admit, though, with my trainer's guidance, I feel stronger and healthier than I have in a long time. I am eating cleaner foods and truly enjoying exercise. I like seeing the changes in my muscles (even the subtle ones.) My husband and 5 year old notice and my little boy has even begun asking to go for power walks w/ me (I love that I am leading by example.)

Thanks for listening. I am looking forward to input. I have been a lurker on this site for a long time but have only posted a little. Thanks for listening.

SW: 165
CW: 156
GW: 125


  • I'd try it! I started @235 & have been doing 1200 per day plus half or more of my exercise cals (HRM). I work out 6-7 days per week for 550-700 cals & usually eat around 1700-1800. I have lost an average of 2lbs per week.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories back? MFP reccomends 1200 as a base plus your exercise calories. If you take your 2500 exercise calories you burn each week and divide it by 7 days in a week then it is 357 calories per day you earn from exercise. MFP would then put your calories at 1557 which is close to what your trainer recommends. :smile:

    Hope that helps!
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