Can I Lose Weight With No Exercise?



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    OP I can relate and I think you can relate to me as well. I started off being 5'4" 165 lbs and LOATHED exercise in any form. If I didn't have to get off of the couch, I didn't! Sad but true. I got winded just going up the stairs in my house. I lost my first 10 lbs just sticking to the calories and not incorporating any exercise at all. Then I started using the teadmill most days (just walking at first, then slowly trying to add in a bit of jogging). Then I got interested in all the routines I saw people talking about here on MFP and decided to pick up Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I joined a group of women on here that were all starting at the same time and we cheered each other on. I stuck with it for the 30 days - well the first day I pushed myself so hard that I was hurting for 3 days after. But after those 3 days of pain were gone, I got right back on it and stuck with it until the end. It was HARD. I had never done an exercise routine like that before (i.e. anything other than the treadmill). It was not easy but it was gratifying to stick to it and see the results. I got a heartrate monitor so it could give me an estimate of how many calories I was burning ( extra motivation, since I decided to go with the advice to eat my exercise calories) and it REALLY helped for me to see a number *right then and there* giving me an idea of how much work I was doing and what I was accomplishing. I ate my exercise calories and continued to lose weight at the same rate as when I was just sticking to the calorie goal and not exericsing. Not only did I get to eat more while still losing weight, but I also FELT SO MUCH BETTER. I got stronger and gained endurance, I could run up and down my stairs for fun/exercise instead of feeling defeated just going up one time! Now I'm down to 120 lbs (coincidentally, your goal OP) and while I don't have the perfect body and do not always find time to exercise every single day (sometimes it's as little as once a week depending on how hectic life is or how I've been feeling) - I still know that I am far better off now than I would have been if I'd foregone exercise completely for my entire weightloss. I really encourage you to try and find something to challenge yourself - challenge is not easy, it is HARD, but it will feel amazing when you stick to it and find yourself getting better at it the more you try. Honey I started off using 1 and 3 lb weights on 30 day shred. So believe me when I tell you how amazing it is to get better at something b/c now I can do a routine (still at home, still haven't joined a gym) with 15-25 lb weights. It's STILL hard, but it's still gratifying.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    You probably can lose weight without exerciseing... But you will look like a relative of mine... Shes about same age as myself and went from being obese with lumps and bumps jiggling all over the place to being skinny with lumps and bumps jiggling
    all over the place... Not the result I think she was hoping for.

    I may still be obese but I WILL lose the fat and gain definition and lean muscle... I think you will regret it if you dont incorperate some exercise into your lifestyle change
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    look at it this way
    1 lb muscle is smaller on your body than 1 lbs fat (a pound is a pound)

    I have 2 friends, one is a runner and one isn't
    both weigh 150 lbs
    The runner wears a size 2 and the non runner wears a size 10

    Its not hard to see, exercise makes all the difference.