How many people have kept at mainenance for over 1 yr?



  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I have just reached 3 months at maintenance. It is not easy and I am a lsoookingfor those who have lost a large amount and what they are doing to keep it off. Right now I can gain 5 or 10 lbs back in a week and then fight like crazy to work it off again. Its like a mini yo-yo.
  • nannabannana
    Wow....what successes still are coming! I am so proud of all of you!
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    Same im not in the maintaining stage yet, but ive been losing weight for the past 2 years myself, after the birth of my youngest daughter i ballooned up t0 14st heaviest ive been in my life, i lost a stone within the first year just by itself and then the 2nd stone the next year was only until 2 years ago when i split up with my bf and started uni that i decided enough was enough i wanted my confidence back and my figure, 2 years on im now 10 stone and am hoping to continue to lose weight till i reach my goal of 9stone:smile: thats when i will move into maintaining!!
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    I just want to say congratulations to those out there that are maintaining. I think that success is one that is not congratulated enough.
  • nannabannana
    I just want to say congratulations to those out there that are maintaining. I think that success is one that is not congratulated enough.

    AMEN! I am fitter and healthier than I have been in my life now...Strength Training, cardio and the mix up of all exercises is what I love most. I don't care if I am a size 6 or ?. I have realized that muscles make the difference. I know I' m fit and healtier and I WILL NOT QUIT moving my body as long as I can move it. I just logged 1, 241,538 steps and over 513 miles since I purchased the fitbit on April 19, 2012. I took up strength training and gym cardio classes so I FULLY expect to be the Nanna who can do anything I put my mind to.

    If ya'll can keep it off then I CAN KEEP my healthy and fit lifestyle change in place forever. That is my goal to stay fi and fabulous into my 80's or higher.:)
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I have been at my goal range for nearly 2 years now. This weight isn't coming back on...when I see the scale hit 160 lbs i get in serious "game on" mode so that I stay here!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Me me me... pick me! LOL

    I attribute my success to the Venus Index Workout and The Anything Goes diet who taught me the truth about setting my goals, how to find my true calorie needs, how to accurately count calories, how to workout to make my body look good, and best of all how to maintain. Whoo hoo! and I have a new life at over 50 and my husband is the envy of his friends.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    It has been a little over a year for me now, time flies! I've fluctuated anywhere from 5-10 pounds, but stayed pretty consistent for the most part.
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    I do it every time I lose my pregnancy weight and I attribute that to working out really hard to lose the weight in the first place. I'm a pretty healthy eater in general but I do have a lot of bad days too. Exercise is what keeps it off for me, even when I do have a bad day!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I feel you. I have yo-yo'd since having kids and it scares me that I could gain this 84lbs back.
    I have been maintaining over the summer (thankfully) since I have been bending the rules alot with all that has been going on.
    I am starting to be more honest with myself and logging everything I eat on those splurge days, becuase I want to start increasing my daily cals as I prepare for maintenance.

    It is all really scary for me, but everyone's success stories are very motivational.
    good luck
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    Me me me... pick me! LOL

    I attribute my success to the Venus Index Workout and The Anything Goes diet who taught me the truth about setting my goals, how to find my true calorie needs, how to accurately count calories, how to workout to make my body look good, and best of all how to maintain. Whoo hoo! and I have a new life at over 50 and my husband is the envy of his friends.

    Whoo Hoo indeed!! Is that your picture on your avater? If so how did you achieve the mascular body? Help, I'm about to start lifting next week.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I have been maintaining for the last 3 mths but decided i want to lose another 10-15 more lbs. the thought of maintanance scares me as I lost 105 lbs about 15 yrs ago kept it off for 4 yrs then got sick fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue , hypothyroid and gained it all back because of medication, quit exercising and started comfort eating.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    When I got close to my 38th birthday, I sort of freaked...okay; I know usually people freak out at a milestone birthday, but I did it right before my 38th. What can I say, I'm weird. I decided right then and there; I had to get serious and I mean SERIOUS about my weight problem. I'm 5'2" and I was 152 lbs; size 12 and I mean they were tight...I needed to move into a 14 and I couldn't bring myself to BUY a 14; I had never wore a 14 before. SO, I got serious. I joined eDiets; I tried it before, but it didn't really work for me, but this time, I was really serious. I was afraid, that in two years when I hit 40, if I hadn't gotten the weight off; it would be there to stay with even more paddin' added to it. Who knows what size I'd be and I couldn't face that.

    I started on the heart healthy plan, that didn't seem to be doing anything for me; I wasn't really losing anything; then I noticed they had a low glycemic diet. You don't know me; but let me tell you; I've ALWAYS had a problem with sugar. I start off thinking I'll just have a little, then it'll a little 2x per week, 4x per week, 7x per week, 2x per day, 4x per day....sound familiar? I was a sugar addict, yes..and I needed help. Low glycemic diet gets you eating 5 times per day 3 meals and two snacks between; may calories were still 1200-1400 per day with exercise. But the recommended foods steered me away from high glycemic type foods (banana, pineapple are higher glycemic than an apple or blueberries b/c it is higher in fruictose and can spike your blood sugar); anyway...the purpose is to keep the blood sugar stable and it worked for me. I lost 35 lbs (dropped to 117/118) in 6 months (I expected it to take much longer).

    I kept it off for 4 1/2 years; only last year when we sold our home, moved, built a new house, lived in a hotel (without a fitness center or pool) and our 20 year old Persian cat died while we were there....did I end up putting on some of it....that's why I'm on reclaim my 118 body again. I'm not far off from there; I'm currently 123.6; just enough that my clothes (size 2) are too tight and uncomfortable. I need to take off 3/4 of inch that I gained; I'm confident that I'll get it done.

    You CAN achieve your goal and keep it off successfully for a long time. I promise. Part of my success through parties, thanksgivings, family gatherings has been nibbling or "tastings". So, Grandma makes really great pecan pie or superb stuffing you just HAVE to have; take a tablespoon. No one says you have to have a serving of it. I even have gone so far as to cut a small slice of pie, then take a "bite" off the end with the knife and leave the piece in the pan. I took the "bite" for my dessert. I know it sounds restrictive, but I felt like I got to HAVE pie, but I didn't over do it.

    When I've gone out for work related events I've had one drink that I nursed the whole night (Barcardi silver rum with diet coke) and then switched to club soda with Lime. For these types of events stick with one drink and nurse it; also remember clear alcohols have the least calories but if you mix them with sugary mixers or juice you've just ruined the "lightness" of the drink, so stick with a diet soda or mix with club soda or water. You can also choose to go with a White wine, dryer is lower calorie (so a Sauvignon Blanc is lower calorie than a Riesling)

    If you're going to a restaurant for dinner, you can search online for their menu in advance to see what low calorie choices they have to offer and you can always ask them to leave off the butter or put the dressing on the side. When requesting vegetables, always ask how they are prepared, many places prepare with some type of fat - clarified butter for instance; so you want to request they do not use any butter when preparing your vegetables...they may balk, but they will usually do as you ask.

    Anyway, I've blathered on long enough...hopefully I've given you some good tips on how to keep it off once you meet your goal.
  • nannabannana
    Great feedback with lots of successes. So happy to hear from all of you.
    Keep on keeping on then:)
  • LiftHuff
    Venus Index Workout

    aka Most Chauvinistic Workout program Evar
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
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