Couch-to-5k... anyone tried this!?!

A friend of mine from work brought this to my attention and I must admit the thought of running/jogging seems a bit scary at the moment. I see people out running in the morning and envy them... I feel that is just something ill never be able to do, until now! This web sit simplifies it and breaks it down day by day in a nine week workout plan and will have you running/jogging 3miles in nine weeks... I was wondering if anyone else has actually tried this and your results? They also have a pretty cool app that guides you along the way.


  • shannonmci
    shannonmci Posts: 56 Member
    Started the C25K in May and ran my first 5K in August. This is from someone who has never ran a day in her life, except in high school sports. I now get up three mornings a week (sometimes four) and run 2.5 miles each run. I wont say I love running, but is something that I never thought I could do! I totally recommend the C25K as a training program, especially if you have never really ran before. It is basically baby steps to be able to run a 5K. Good luck and have fun!!
  • My fiance and I started this a few days ago. And trust me, we were definitely on the couch end of things. I won't say we still aren't, but so far we are enjoying it. It is nice to know you are doing something healthy for yourself...and if we are actually able to do a 5K at the end, that will feel AWESOME <3
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    I just started it today. But since I recently had surgery I may just be repeating day 1 for a while just so I don't over do and hurt myself. I think it's a great way to get into running. If you are interested in doing c25k add me and we can help keep each other accountable to do it! Even if we repeat days or weeks because I am more concerned about not burning myself out on it.
  • I'm starting tomorrow. I can run a mile or so pretty easily, but anything after that totally winds me and then I get frustrated and defeated. Hopefully C25k will ease me into distance running.