Any one else hungry and eat at night??

I find myself hungry and wake up and eat. GRRRR.
Trying to not do that. Trying to change my patterns. Anyone else have this problem?


  • DevonW32
    DevonW32 Posts: 67 Member
    Me!!! I can eat good all day, then at night before bed I get really hungry, the best way for me to beat the urge to eat something High in protine and high in fiber it keeps me fuller longer, and I resist the urge to snack at night
  • Yes. I would say I get 30% of my calories after I eat dinner. I think its because I busy during the day and don't have time to think about eating.
  • I do it as well. Not sure why. Like you, I am trying to change up patterns. It has gotten better. For example, instead of eating junk or PB&J sandwich. I have at least switched to grapes. I like to freeze them.

    I as well would like to know if there are more of us on MFP or anyone who was able to kick the pattern.
  • pamperedpenguin
    pamperedpenguin Posts: 95 Member
    Same pattern for me...good all day and then dinner/dessert time hit and I'm
    Out of control. Advice is needed...thanks :)
  • I think it depends what youre eating and what time you go to bed. For example on the weekends sometimes I dont sleep till 5am so Ill stop eating a few hours before that. If you wake up try eating a yogurt or some fruit!
  • When you say you are hungry at night do you mean before or after midnight? I am most hungry at like between 3-5 am and will actually wake up at those times when asleep to head to the kitchen. It is yet weird. I am learning to grab and drink a 16oz bottle of water and go back to bed. But that took awhile to figure out. Duh! Water no calories and tummy is full and fooled into thinking I ate.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I used to get hungry right at I think it might have been habit, or psychological, but I used to eat some almonds and water when I felt that way. Sometimes I still feel that way, but I think I have more willpower now, and I ignore the feeling...I also seem to have gotten use to eating less, so I fell less hungry.
  • When I get hungry at night I suck a peppermint candy. :) It helps me.
  • I have a few suggestions... Have you considered...

    1. Drinking a glass of water? Sometimes hunger is really thirst.
    2. Eat a decent amount of protein for dinner.
    3. Space your meals out to where you're eating smaller amounts of food throughout the day. Then a small snack after dinner would be more fuel, as opposed to a large "nomming" session.

    Yes, I nom my food. LOL! I hope these suggestions help. My honey is a serious snacker, and some of these suggestions helped him out.
  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
    I do this all the frustrating. I sit down to read a book and cannot stand not to have something to chew on. I have been trying to chew gum and drink water. That way I am chewing and I am getting a fuller stomach. Tonight I cut up s zucchini and am eating zucchini pieces. Very filling, but very low in calories.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What's the big deal? If you want to have your calories at night, do it. If you're regularly hungry and going over your calories at night, there's probably something wrong with your diet- you either aren't getting enough calories or you have a gap in your nutrition that needs to be filled (not enough protein, not enough fat, etc). If you're not overeating and would prefer to have your calories at night, do it- there's no reason you shouldn't. The ideas commonly spread of"don't eat after X O'clock" or "don't eat carbs/fat/whatever before bedtime" are complete nonsense. I eat probably 1000 cals or more every night after 8pm.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    This is when the will power and desire to succeed needs to kick in. I am guilty of being a night snacker, too. Some people say calories are calories at any time of day. That may be true for some people, but for me night time snacks = disaster. I never lose weight on a week where I've consistently ate after 7 pm. Do your best to occupy your time at night when you're feeling the urge, get yourself a big glass of water, or if you absolutely must....a small snack. I go for grapes.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you are hungry at night, eat! But plan on what you will have for a snack, and budget the calories for it.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Me!!! I can eat good all day, then at night before bed I get really hungry, the best way for me to beat the urge to eat something High in protine and high in fiber it keeps me fuller longer, and I resist the urge to snack at night

    Yes, I have the problem. Sometimes it's hard to sleep because I get hungry! D:

    I try to eat 30%Fat, 40% carbs, 30% protein. Or 25% protein and 45% carbs. Either way, include A LOT of protein and fiber while also getting a balance of carbs and fats, Make sure to eat your fruits/veggies C:

    Also drink water, :)
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I always, always, always eat at night, even if I'm just having a half sandwich, or granola bar with a glass of milk. I always leave calories (~200-300) for my nighttime snack, though, just so I know I can fit it in.
  • I'm so glad I am not the only one. I have always had a weird schedule so I just roll with it now. I know I will eat a snack, or maybe two, during the night, so I make sure I allow calories for it.
  • If I'm low on calories available to "spend with" I'll take the dog for a walk and make sure I end up with at least 80 calories. Then I can eat an Edy's Fruit Bar (Best tasting popsicles EVER). If I still have a couple hundred left to burn then I can switch it up and have a Good Humor York Peppermint Patty Ice Cream (170 calories). Both, being frozen treats, take awhile to eat and are still low enough in calories I can manage to budget for them.

    I'm still brand new on here and have 2050 available daily calories so maybe others would have a hard time with less of a budget though.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,228 Member
    I eat all the time, probably more at night than during the day. Not going to starve myself, if I am hungry, I eat.
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Yep... I just did... 400 cal of it that I plan to burn in a few hours (5AM here)... :)