Should I go to the gym tonight....

Answers on a postcard!


  • Peteshaped
    Peteshaped Posts: 37 Member
    Depends if it's a rest day for you or not :) When did you last go and what did you do?
  • Every day is a gym day. Go go go go
  • Capekj51
    Capekj51 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. The answer is always 'YES'!
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    yes yes yes yes yes!!!!
    i just had the same ocnversation with my ace MFP motivational buddy - i am feeling waaaay too sleepy to go, but i know i'll guilt trip if i dont and feel loads betterif i do.

    go, and just dowhat you feel like doing
  • I would but my gym is closed today.

    Instead, I rented movies from redbox at the walmart about 2.5 miles away from me, I'mma walk there! (=
  • I knew the answer was yes :-(

    Thanks for making me go :-)
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member
    I would but my gym is closed today.

    Instead, I rented movies from redbox at the walmart about 2.5 miles away from me, I'mma walk there! (=

    wish i had dome something likethat when my gym was closed! thats really good!
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Yes!! :D Go Go! you got this!!
  • scarlettesong
    scarlettesong Posts: 108 Member
    If you have to ask, the answer is yes.

    That's how I make myself go. Glad you went too!
  • Thanks for all your encouragement I went!! Xx
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Its always yes even when you want it to be no, I ask the question all the time. The only reason I didnt go yesterday is because I stood on a nail at the weekend and so In crutches, but Im going today and will adapt what I can do :) You always feel so much better for going :)