In need of motivation please :(

Hello everyone (first time community post!)

I feel like I've been on a constant diet forever getting nowhere. I stick solid to it for a few weeks, do really well and then some event or something will come up, i'll forget about the diet and then forget it for the next couple of weeks and be back to square one, back in that vicious circle again!

I'm not desperately overweight or unhealthy, I'm 10 stone 7 and would love to get down to 9 stone. Two weeks ago I was doing really well and exercising alot and got down to 10 stone 2, and then I went to a festival and enjoyed myself (a bit too much) and from then till today I've been eating rubbish and I can't step on those scales.

My friend who is bigger than me has been dieting and exercising as well - she has done really well and has lost a stone but I can't help but just feel jealousy - why can't I do it and have the motivation she has!!!

Anyway, apologies for the rambling. Today I've started again and I've listed all the things to keep me on track and I'm joining the gym tomorrow (I've been just going to swimming sessions and Zumba classes then realised it would be cheaper for me to actually join...), which I'm actually looking forward to because I do like exercise and I'm quite stingy with money so I'll go just to get my moneys worth!

I would just like any advice or motivation please! Thank you ) xx


  • Tiffneyymariee
    Tiffneyymariee Posts: 3 Member
    Hello,, What I do for motivation is I watch a fat show and then I want and feel like going to the gym. This really gets me in the mood to work out. I dont know why but it works for me :smile:
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    I have posted today, very similar to your post.

    I also lack motivation - and am able to lose weight so well when I have it, but this time I can't break myself out of eating the wrong thing.

    I don't know whether it's emotional, laziness, or boredom that makes me 'fall of the wagon' as such - I just do!!

    I can't afford the gym and would love to get into running. I also have a friend who has lost nearly 3 stone since February (cambridge diet, I wouldn't recommend it personally) and can also feel the jealousy although I am incredibly proud of her.

    I want to lose weight so bad, and when I see pictures of lovely, slim, beautiful women all the time I'm desperate to get into shape - but as soon as I get hold of the wrong food - that's it, nothing breaks me out of it!

    Good luck with your story, sorry I couldn't help as I'm in the same boat - but here's hoping we both manage to snap out of this rut!

  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    We will only ever lose weight if WE want to.. No one else can do it for us.. I don't view it as being on a diet, more of a change of eating habits, portion control and exercise.

    Life is too short to exclude things we like,... everything in moderation.

    For me, I have to log everything I have and it is now second nature to me.

    The support from others on this site is unparallel and makes a huge difference but ultimately the buck stops with ourselves.

    Good luck.

  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    We will only ever lose weight if WE want to.. No one else can do it for us.. I don't view it as being on a diet, more of a change of eating habits, portion control and exercise.

    Life is too short to exclude things we like,... everything in moderation.

    For me, I have to log everything I have and it is now second nature to me.

    The support from others on this site is unparallel and makes a huge difference but ultimately the buck stops with ourselves.

    Good luck.


    THIS^^^^ is how it works total honesty ban NOTHING!!!! but moderate things burn more than you eat, eat healthy and well, don't starve yourself and remember it did'nt go on overnight so it won't come off overnight. setting your losses too high is a sure way to fail aim for 1 to 2 lbs a week which is sensible and safe. and Good luck xx