Lost 30 lbs over the summer & worried i will gain it back :/

This summer i went back home to visit family while hubby was deployed, I was 163 when i left, but i worked out 4 days a week before i left for the summer but didnt hardly ever lose anything, and while i was gone i was not working out at all but was so busy! i was going from one familys house to the other off and on all summer so loading up and unloading my car over and over, chasing around my 2 kids the whole time, sweating a lot in the heat, no time to sit at home and stuff my face with boredom eating.... im still not where i wanna be yet but this summer gave me a great jump in my weight loss, im at 131-133 lbs fluctuating NOW!! :) but im back at home hubby is coming home kinda soon and im finding myself falling back into my old ways, i still dont eat alllllllll the time like i did before the summer but im finding myself having popcorn with a movie even when im not hungry or eating tv dinners and lunchables for lunch because its convenient, and having larger portions for dinner. im not working out anymore either now that im back home... i just wanna relax..... i guess im just venting but any advice is appreciated! and add me if your encouraging, i need more motivating friends on mfp :)


  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! And you have the first step down...you're aware of your behaviours. You can catch yourself when you're doing mindless eating so that's awesome.
    Just continue to be aware of your eating behaviours and if you're bored at home...get up and do something. Have a contingency plan for when you are bored. Do you have any hobbies or activities you can do instead of watching tv and eating?
    If you need to relax...go for a leisurely stroll, have a bath or do something creative.
  • mysweetFiona
    I have plenty to do im just running around all day and wanna relax lol. Thanks for your input!! I do definitely need to be more aware of what im eating. How can i held be more accountable for what im eating besides mfp and my own guilt? Thats what i need help on lol.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I have a 4 yr old and a boyfriend who eats junk food all the time.. My advice everything you considered a treat/ junk or snack food throw away and replace with something just as good and 3x as healthy. I still open up my pantry and see fruit roll ups and cheez it's starring back at me but I also have my nature valley chocolate peanut butter thins winking at me lmao. This works for me. Along with self control knowing what you can and can't have is major in my opinion. I got this way by overloading on soda over sized dinner portions and potatoe chips... Will I cut chips out forever no.. But I will replace them with tostios and hummus ... I always eat 1 piece of meat no matter how appealing and I don't miss soda lol. I think serving size is everything. Like my new fav animal crackers why? Because 16 crackers is only 120 cal and there low fat.. Even if I eat twice the serving size that's 32 crackers . Good luck ❤ ;)
  • harveysnith27
    Sounds really good you lose your weight. Don't worry just maintain your diet and exercise then it will not increase.
    A good healthy diet and little bit exercise will help you in good way.
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    I totally get it. I was motivated to lose weight for a wedding and now that we went and it's over, I'm like, "So, why shouldn't I eat that?" and "Why do I need to get on the treadmill again?" But I really do want to keep losing, so I set a weight loss goal for the month and told all my MFP friends about it. I don't want to fail, and it has really put me right back on track. I also found a cool fitness challenge, and that is making me really motivated to work out and be a part of it. So, set some short term goals for yourself, and have your MFP friends help keep you accountable with it. And even if you can't find a fun reason to exercise, I find that telling myself "I will just work out for ten minutes" on days I REALLY don't feel like it... that ten minutes always turns into thirty because exercise makes you feel so good. Good luck and add me if you want!
  • jcraig1980
    I worry about the same thing. I especially feel a little down b/c I can't run like I was due to foot issues and PT doesn't seem to be helping. What I have been doing to keep myself from eating too much is distracting myself with word puzzles and reading magazines. I would read books again, but my kids require too much attention for me to focus on a lengthy story. But it seems that when I keep my mind engaged I don't feel like mindlessly munching.