Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - Level 2

Hello all,

I know a whole lot of you on here are currently doing JMs 30DS - for September.

I just started Level 2 today (so day 1) and at first I was really nervous because I found Level 1 quite difficult (the jumping jacks straight into the jump ropes always killed me!!!) but I absolutely LOVE Level 2! I like it a lot more than Level 1. I'm doing Anita's modified versions, of course (and with 1lb weights - not trusting myself with my 5 lb weights - at least right now until i get used to the moves (maybe!)... but...it seems somewhat 'easier' (though I was absolutely dripping with sweat during and after it! moreso than level 1!). and I love the ab workouts more and all the plank moves etc. The only thing i don't really like is the oblique twist... i feel uncoordinated and like i'm doing it wrong but i'm sure it'll get easier-it didn't help that my hubby came in and interrupted me during it and made me STOP! and then i struggled to get back into the rhythm!!! :grumble:

Anyways, any of you who are on Level 2 (for the first time) how are you liking it? do you think it is harder or easier than level 1? do you like it more or less? just curious! I find it slightly easier on my knees than L1.

I'm sure i'll start hating it as the 10 days continues though :laugh:


  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Oooh, I was actually about to post a new topic about alternatives to JM30DS Level 1. I've been doing level 1 for the last few days, but I just don't feel like I can do it for another few days because I'm a really chesty girl (36F or more often 38DD because it's easier to find), and the jumping jacks kill me-- even with two compression bras and a supportive top.

    Is there a lot of bouncing in level 2? Maybe I'll try that one today.

    Oh hell, I'LL DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! I'll let you know what I think of it in about 30-40 minutes! (gotta get my workout gear on)
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I'm on level 2 and think it's harder..so many plank exercises...I'm doing a modified for right now (leaning against my ottoman ;) ) Good ab workouts though.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    Oooh, I was actually about to post a new topic about alternatives to JM30DS Level 1. I've been doing level 1 for the last few days, but I just don't feel like I can do it for another few days because I'm a really chesty girl (36F or more often 38DD because it's easier to find), and the jumping jacks kill me-- even with two compression bras and a supportive top.

    Is there a lot of bouncing in level 2? Maybe I'll try that one today.

    Oh hell, I'LL DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! I'll let you know what I think of it in about 30-40 minutes! (gotta get my workout gear on)

    As i'm sure you'll be finding out - there is still a lot of jumping jacks and skip rope - and the knee raises (which i find easier than the kick back things) but i found it easier somehow (maybe that's just cuz its the first day!) i'm curious what you think of it!
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm on level 2 and think it's harder..so many plank exercises...I'm doing a modified for right now (leaning against my ottoman ;) ) Good ab workouts though.

    I love planks! I've been doing them quite a bit over the last few months with the help of a friend who's my personal trainer (and training to be a personal trainer) so really like all the plank exercises - and i know they''ll be great for my abs! :).
  • anaju61
    anaju61 Posts: 34 Member
    I am doing all three levels at the same time. I find level two the hardest. I love love love level three, very different from the other two.

    I go between 2, 5 and 8 lbs.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I am doing all three levels at the same time. I find level two the hardest. I love love love level three, very different from the other two.

    I go between 2, 5 and 8 lbs.

    oh that's interesting you're doing all 3 at the same time! what is your routine, exactly? level 1 one day followed by level 2 the next and level 3 after that and then back to level 1 again?
  • anaju61
    anaju61 Posts: 34 Member
    I do all three levels on the same day starting with level 3 first. It takes me about 78 minutes. I do the warm up that starts with level three and the cool down when i end level 1.

    As soon as i end level 3 i start level 2 but fast forward so i dont do the warm up.

    I usually burn around 525 calories but deduct 15% from that number
  • lustrebass
    lustrebass Posts: 47 Member
    Oooh, I was actually about to post a new topic about alternatives to JM30DS Level 1. I've been doing level 1 for the last few days, but I just don't feel like I can do it for another few days because I'm a really chesty girl (36F or more often 38DD because it's easier to find), and the jumping jacks kill me-- even with two compression bras and a supportive top.

    Well, what I do is one-armed jumping jacks, and use my other arm/hand to hold myself in place, if you know what I mean. saves the painful bouncing, and still get most of the benefit of the jacks.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    Okay... Tried level 2. I finished circuit 1, and ended up going back to level 1 after that. The upper body stuff is still a bit too difficult for me, especially planks and pushups. :(
    Well, what I do is one-armed jumping jacks, and use my other arm/hand to hold myself in place, if you know what I mean. saves the painful bouncing, and still get most of the benefit of the jacks.

    Yep! Just posted a blog entry with a gif of doing that yesterday http://pixelsandlace.tumblr.com/post/30767306218/my-biggest-challenge-in-exercise-okay-two ! I did that today, alternating which arm I use to support my chest. It was like getting the cardio of the jumping jacks along with the strength training of lifting weights, lol.
  • meaganelizabeth516

    I've done 4 days of The Shred Level 1 so far! I was sore for 2 days - and now and pretty much back to normal. I'm a runner, but had been neglecting strength training and had to quit the gym to save money back in September last year. So I do the Level 1... the I run for an hour and a half or until I burn 1,000 calories on the treadmill.

    I'm thinking that when I start Level 2, I'm going to keep on with Level 1 also and do both and do the same when it's time to start level 3. Once I'm doing all three level back to back each day, I'm going to cut my running down to 45 minutes probably.

    I was just wondering how you liked doing multiple levels on the same day... I'm in fairly decent shape and have approx 15lbs to lose until I'm at my ideal weight!

    Thanks for you time! : )
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    Hello! Okay so I bought this dvd months ago, used it about 3-4 times max on level one and found it so hard!!!! :( Im 23, so im like come on now I must be WAY more out of shape then I thought. Then I forgot about it, like I tend to do. And today, September 6, I decided to say wth, and do it on level 2! I couldn't do the last circuit, but Hey I have to start some where. I got farther in level 2 then I did I level 1, how WEIRD? Hopefully I can just stick to this level 2 maybe 3 times a week and get through the entire thing.
