For the Lactose Intolerant amongst us...

My wife recent bought a book about controlling your metabolism through what kinds of food you eat. As a Lactose Intolerant, I eat and drink a lot of soy products, and so I was surprised to discover that soy has quite a bit of a chemical in it that slows your metabolism!

I won't bore you with the facts, but basically, there is a chemical called Selenium which works with your thyroid. Soy inhibits your body making this chemical so your metabolism slows down. But, all is not lost! There are foods which, when eaten in moderation, can increase your selenium levels and bring your metabolism up!

The most rich is Brazil Nuts. I know these can be unhealthy, but note MODERATION. Others include kidney, tuna, crab, and lobster.

I just thought I'd share this. I mean, I guess it could help those who don't have soy :P But, there you go!


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Nothing like a juicy grilled kidney for dinner.
  • kyosborne
    The body cannot produce selenium!! It is not a chemical, Selenium is an essential trace element (like iron & zinc) which we can only get from diet. It's best known for it's antioxidant properties.

    The quantity of selenium in foods varies quite a bit depending on the environment where the food was grown. Eg: how much selenium is in the soil or selenium in a fishes diet/ environment. Soil in the Northern US contains good amounts of selenium, in New Zealand we are not so lucky.

    Brazil nuts are a great source, so are eggs, almonds, meat, wholegrains and seafood. As with other trace elements, supplementation can be toxic.

    I am lactose intolerant and there are a few cow milks available which have broken down the lactose and therefore pose no problems to digestion. I prefer the trim no-lactose milk over soy as it contains the better quality protein. Also works much better in tea and coffee.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I don't use soy anyway. My own doctor, my kids pediatrician, and my mothers oncologist all say it's dangerous to consume. You can hardly aviod it because it's in everything, but I don't knowingly buy soy products. I don't understand how the medical community is alarmed about soy but the general public thinks it's the holy grail of food.