Dang finals!

I don't get why people have to sit around after an exam talking about it, their answers, etc. It's not like you can doing anything now, so let it go. :noway: I felt OK about my final I just took (Not my best, but I passed and that's all that matters) then this annoying girls starting going over just about EVERY question, so now I am in panic mode and have already had 1/2 my calories for the day. I can do great until that stress settles in and then there goes the whole day! :ohwell:


  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    I'd like to concur with the title: Dang finals!

    You're right, though. It's all done, and stressing won't change it. I'd opt for something like a light celebration smoothie - hooray for it being over!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I like to go over my answers so we can see if we missed one and kind of know what to expect. It destresses me.

    Do you have any more exams to go? Try some yoga and chillax. You'll do great. =)

    I agree with Tasha on the smoothie. Yum.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    HAHAHA thats so funny that you said that cause I would get sooo mad at my friends when they did that! I'd just put on my ipod or walk away fast, you can't change it!!! I don't know people in my classes now so it won't be a problem yay!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    Now that you're done, de-stress with a workout or something so you can eat more later today and it feels good
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I despise those people. That's why I run away immediately after the exam, and if ppl are talking about it around me, I tell them to knock it off :laugh:

    We have this thing now where we take the exam and right after we can grade our own tests to see what we missed. Makes my heart pound and my blood pressure shoots through the roof. I HATE it :(

    It has the opposite effect on me though, makes my stomach hurt and makes me not want to eat anything. I can never eat breakfast before an exam. Darn finals! When will they end??? Neverrrrrrrr just don't go to grad school because they get even worse; longer, harder, and cumulative :frown: