PLEASE HELP!!!!??!!!

NEED HELP!!!! okay, before i started logging on mfp, when i wasnt 'dieting', i dont think i ate over 1200 cals a day anyways... so, for me to lose weight, shouldnt i be eating less if my body is already used to only round 1200? ive logged for 40 days now,, and have exercised almost every day.. and ive not lost a single pound..somethings wrong somewhere... so please help me ! ive also only lost a few inches...1 inch off my waist, and 1 off each thigh,, this is ridiculous! how can i plateau before i even begin?? !


  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    You should post your weight, height, and age to get some better answers. :)
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    You're going to get a lot of responses saying you need to be eating more, and it's true--you MUST be eating at least 1200 calories in order for your body to perform its basic functions. If you're exercising, many people will tell you to eat back all those earned calories. Personally I *usually* eat back about half of my exercise calories. Listen to your body; you really shouldn't be hungry for any long period of time. Good luck!!
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    im 21, 5"6 and 136 lbs... the only reason i posted this, is because i realized, after looking at what all i do eat in a day, that its really no different than what i used to eat ''before'' ...
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    sigh.. was really hoping for more feedback on this.. :(
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    First of all, great work in losing those inches! It takes work and commitment to see results in just over a month.

    If counting calories is new for you, make sure that you are accurately measuring your food. All of it. Use a food scale and measuring cups. It's the only way to know you've got the right number. I measure food everyday. Even things I think I know, because I need to re-calibrate every so often.

    It's possible that you are eating close to your pre-dieting allotment, as you suspect. Your stats are right in the middle of the normal BMI range. Because you don't have a lot to lose (I'm assuming) it will take longer to see results. It's frustrating, but healthier.

    Be patient, and don't discount those non-scale victories. They are important too.
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    thank you ... and yes i measure EVERYTHING, down to a teaspoon lol.. and i know im at a healthy weight right now,but id really like to lose at least a few more inches so i can fit back into ''small'' sizes...and my size 3 skinny jeans... lol.. ive always been an active person, but i never knew or thought counting calories were so important, now im so addicted i dont think ill EVER stop counting them!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what kind of work out regimen are you doing?
  • how many times a week are you workin out and what kind of workouts are you doin? cuz f youre doin the same worouts every single time you will plateau very quickly till you switch it up and confuse your body.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    You may need to reduce % body fat rather than lose weight. Think about trying these:

    Calculate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and start eating that many.

    Calculate how many pounds of lean body mass you have (I think you can do that at Fat 2 Fit Ratio). Start eating that many grams of protein every day.

    Start lifting weights.
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    this whole month ive done jillian michaels ripped in 30... and c25k on the treadmil the last 2 weeks, and swimming occasionally
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    Try tracking your sodium. Also you don't eat a lot of fruit and veggies - maybe cut some carbs and processed foods and add in fruit and vegetables. You say yourself that you're eating pretty much what you ate before, so try eating more healthy foods and you might have better results.

    I've read on here that when you don't have a lot to lose it comes off slowly.

    I'm sure people with more expertise will expand on this.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Problem with eating only 1200 calories is that your body may be goinginto starvation mode and slowng down your metabolsm. Are you spacknig out your meals to like every two hours and eating high protein foods?

    You might want to check this article out It has some interesting info about cutting body fat and putting on lean muscle.

    I would suggest that you start working out with light weights about 45 to 60 minutes three to four times a week and throw in some High Intensity Interval Training about three times a week...
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    You may need to reduce % body fat rather than lose weight. Think about trying these:

    Calculate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and start eating that many.

    Calculate how many pounds of lean body mass you have (I think you can do that at Fat 2 Fit Ratio). Start eating that many grams of protein every day.

    Start lifting weights.

    Agree with this. It sounds like you're looking for body recomposition, and lifting heavy is likely the most efficient way to achieve it, in combination with eating properly.
  • For years people have been drilling calories in calories out and that is not always the case. What kind of exercise are you doing? What is your height and weight? Your body might be in starvation mode. If you eat to few of calories this will happen. To get out of this you can try fluxuation your calories from day to day. One day have 1500, the next have 1200, the next have 1300 and then 1100 and then 1400, ect... Feel free to inbox me or add me as a friend. Hope this helps
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Not sure what weight you are trying to get down to but your BMR is at the very least 1458, add to that any exercise you do and you should definitely be eating more than 1200 a day. I think you've slowed your metabolism down and need to up your calories. You may gain initially because your body is used to starving on 1200 a day. Also, change up your exercise a bit
  • I find that if I don't get all my water in or eat a substantial amount of veggies, I have problems with losing.
  • Once you put in your vitals you will have a better gauge of what you should be doing. If you still aren't losing then you need to evaluate what makes up your calories a day. If that doesn't work, I would talk to my doctor.
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    thanks for all the replies everyone! i will try to eat more calories, and more veggies, and try different workouts.. is sounding pretty good right now. . lol