44 year old fed up with being overweight!

rharris2165 Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Robin Harris and I just joined myfitnesspal.com. My sister-in-law recommended the site and I am so glad that she did.

I have struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old. I have progressively gained weight over 33 years. I lose and gain the same 30 pounds. When I lose I feel great about myself and manage to keep the weight off for a few years...then the inevitable big life event hits and I lose track of what I am eating or if I am working out---and before too long I have put on 20 pounds.

I have struggled with multiple health issues. I have Lupus and other related diseases. I have had a few small strokes and healed well from them. I had a completehysterectomy two years ago and a thyroidectomy two months ago. In general my health issues are managed well. But, when I have Lupus flares it seems that it is taking me longer to get over them---I assume it is because I am so overweight and lacking exercise. My weight was a huge issue for me, but since my thyroid got out of control I have gained an additional 20 pounds on top of the 40 I was already overweight.

I am tired of dreading family pictures with me in them. I love my family so much and am so proud of them all. I want them to have me around for a long, long time and that is not going to be likely if I don't get a grip on the weight. I am working on a Master's degree and work full time. I know I am an accomplished woman and weight loss should not be the thing that makes me feel like a failure!

I am making my New Year's resolution now----I will lose 60 pounds by November 2010. It is my time----I want to be 45 and fabulous!


  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Good luck, rharris!! You can do it! :flowerforyou: And the people of MFP are here for you when you need them, It's a great community!
  • if you take it seriously, no soda, just water. and eating the amount of calories given and exersizing, it will take you half that time! Good luck!!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I'm with you - i lost 30lbs last year by using my fitnesspal but i took my eye off the ball during these last few months due to work pressure. I am 30 in January 2011 and i would like to have lost all of my excess weight by that time which is about the same amount that you have to lose.

    I think its a great goal and good to start now so were conscious not to put weight on over the holidays.I also have a heath condition and it is important for me to get my weight off to improve things.

    I am going to do this and will be happy to support - i know it can work i lost 30lbs in 12 weeks last summer and kept it off for 12 months - its only 9lbs thats gone back on - and i know once you get into a routine it is pretty easy!!

    Best of luck!!!!
  • Hey there!

    I know that health problems can make weight loss extremely difficult. I'm 34 years old, had a complete hysterectomy at age 31, which means I'm on hormone replacement therapy for the rest of my life, plus I'm bipolar and have fought with all the side effects of many medications until April of this year (I got off of everything and went to an alternative, natural therapy).

    One of the meds caused me to gain 30 lbs. literally within 2 months at the beginning of this year, all the while I was faithfully doing my cardio workouts at 5 a.m. every morning. I obviously got off of the medication that caused the weight gain, started weight-lifting for the first time in July, signed up with MFP in August and started watching what I ate religiously. I drink a gallon of water a day, and have been able to lose 1 lb. per week consistently since August. That is when I finally got the scale to budge in the downward direction for the first time! That sounds like really slow weight loss, and it is, but it will also be permanent.

    I truly believe it is twice as hard for those of us with health issues to lose weight, but it CAN be done--I'm living proof of that! I literally have to follow ALL the rules, but I think the weight-lifting, i.e. muscle-building was the biggest change for me and has literally turned up my metabolism. What they say is true: the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn even at rest. Fat just sits there and does (and burns) nothing. I love to look at the "transformations" section at bodybuilding.com--it is VERY motivating to see people lose sometimes a 100 or more pounds and look incredible! Not 'skinny-fat', but truly toned, muscular, and fit. That is my goal and I'm getting closer and closer to it.

    I hope this helps you a little. Just stay consistent and NEVER, EVER give up on yourself! Good luck to you--you can do it!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Welcome Robin! Let us know how you're doing!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Robin, Welcome!!

    Feel free to join in on a thread for 40+...we are very supportive of each other and understand the real life issues that plague us and at the same time we challenge each other to keep going and do better.

    Welcome to the journey. I believe that you can do this!!!

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