Lose weight before or after having a baby?

Hi all.

So... my hubby and I have been talking about having another baby. We have a 4 year old son who ocassionally asks for a baby brother, and it really got us thinking about it. (I do hope to have another baby boy! :)

My concern is my weight. I'm 6'1" and currently 315lbs. I gained 60lbs with my first son, and the last thing I want/need is to gain ANY more weight!! I really wanted to lose weight BEFORE having another baby. Most people thought I was crazy and just didn't understand my reasoning behind that. Plain and simple: I want to be healthy for me, for my unborn child and for my family in general. The last thing I want/need is to be 315lbs, pregnant with a 2nd child, and gaining even more weight. I want to be healthy before I get pregnant again to minimize any possible complications during or after pregnancy.

Thing is, I'd like to have another baby SOON - so that there isn't too much of an age difference between my son and the baby. Problem is, I have little faith that I'll lose much weight before we decide to conceive.

So... should I lose weight BEFORE having another child, or have the child THEN lose weight?

I know that ultimately the decision is up to my hubby and me, but I was hoping for some advice, opinions, experiences, anything.

Thank you all.

Much Love and Alohas,

-Ihilani Kapuniai


  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Many women have lost weight during their pregnancy. Of course they are carefully monitored by their OB. I would start by eating as clean as you can and then when you do become pregnant you will be on the right track. Good luck!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I lost 42 lbs before I got pregnant (this is my first so I can't really compare to a previous pregnancy), but I will say that the tools I learned while losing weight and getting healthier have been a tremendous help to keep the pregnancy weight gain under control and for helping me with controlling my activity and eating habits.

    Being closer to a healthy weight also significantly reduces the risks for gestational diabetes and other very serious complications from pregnancy for you and your unborn child.

    My vote is to get control now and take what you learn into your pregnancy and beyond.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    lose weight until you get pregnant and continue while your pregnant, you can eat healthy and take long walks and simple workouts while pregnant, you can swim while pregnant and do water arobics, then continue your healthy new lifestyle after baby comes.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If you're overweight to start you will gain less than otherwise.

    But more importantly . . . you want to be as healthy as possible going into this pregnancy so you don't put you or your baby at risk during it and so you can take care of your 4 year old too.

    So I'd start losing now and also definitely start exercising. As soon as you're pregnant, keep exercising and talk to your doctor/midwife about weight loss. They will want you to be healthy - it is much safer all around.

    It's also easier to get pregnant if you are not very overweight.

    Good luck!
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Im somewhat in the same situation. My opinion would be to lose weight BEFORE you get pregnant. I say that because you should try to be healthy before trying to conceive for you and your child. There are already risks of having a baby, I wouldn't want you to add another 1 for something you could have possibly help prevent. Trust me I understand the feelings of wanting to have that baby. I reeeeaaaallly understand. :) for me, wanting the child is what drives me to continue the weight loss journey. And after the child continue your weight loss.

    For whatever you and your husband decide, work together, have faith, communicate with your doctor, and stay strong. Wish you well!