Feeling ashamed of my diary



  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    I personally would keep logging food and exercise and keep it private. You can read and you know when you are over on sodium, etc. The suggestions of oatmeal and roasting whole chickens were great suggestions!
  • Leeannboswell
    Dear CZ, keep your food diary private. It's no one's beeswax but your own. I keep mine private, because most of the time, I eat too little, and don't want to hear the CRAP. I am on a plan my doctor and I have devised, and I am doing fine. So whatever the other "food experts" on MFP have to say, it's my business. As long as I have enough protein, and am below on the sodium counts as determined on the food log, eat two meals of mostly veggies, and two healthful snacks, along with my breakfast protein drink, I am perfectly fueled for a great day. I do take vitamin supplements, again as determined by my physician, and do my exercises religiously. (3.5 miles per day, brisk walk, over hills, and huffing!! Sweating!!)

    But, I want to tell you something, I buy a TON of healthful foods each week, for around $30. Lots of fresh veggies, some fruits (enough for about two fruits per day). I buy very little meat and absolutely NO prepared food except yogurt. Make up a little pot of lentils. Costs around $2.00. Delish, and very nutritious, 9 grams of protein in 1/4 Cup!!

    You can do it!! So you do NOT have to eat pizza! Try it!

    Good Luck! Cheers, LeeAnn
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    I think that this site is open to all adults and I think it is very daring for others to criticize ones diary. Constructive suggestions should be in perfectorder.Remember we are all in this together. It pays to be kind. If I were you I would not make my diary public
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Don't you dare be ashamed. You've lost 40lbs, so many would use the circumstances youre in to give up. However if at the moment you feel that it would be more hurtful to open your diary, then don't. This is exactly why I would never criticize someone for how they eat...there is no way to know that person's circumstances.

    Also cooking isn't that hard, maybe you could set a goal to learn to make a few healthy meals from scratch. That would go a long ways towards keeping you on the right track. Good luck and hold your head up.
  • TiffanyyNicole
    I think you should just ignore them. I don't eat super healthy foods either, because its so expensive. You shouldn't let other people make you feel ashamed for doing something you have no choice about. Not everyone can eat healthy meals. And people shouldn't criticize what you eat since most of them probably don't eat too healthy a lot of the time either. Worry about what you think and not what others think.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm not sure why you are so worried about wanting/not wanting to share your diary. The purpose of sharing it, would be to get other's opinions. If other's opinions are going to bother you - which it seems like it will - then it is simple - don't share your diary.
    It sounds like you are already embarrassed by the food you've been eating, so why would you want to share it, and then face people making you feel worse about it? I only share mine with my friends, because I don't have any desire for feedback from strangers.