Sugar or sugar substitutes?



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Enjoy your diabetes.

    had to laugh at this.

    Never take nutritional advice from people who don't eat meat.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Why is Splenda bad for you? What is different about Splenda than other sugar substitutes?

    It's not that it's "bad", but just that sugar alcohols can work as a mild laxative for some people, so for people that are sensitive to that it can cause bloating and issues like that if they eat a lot of it. If this isn't an issue for you, then it's not a problem. Some people have IBS and things like that and in that case it's just very uncomfortable.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Absolutely real sugar ...never a substitute ...gross (and I'm not on the whole stevia love train either!)

    I'm wondering if by "real sugar" you are referring to the super-processed white stuff?

    While I agree that Stevia isn't the answer for everything, there are times that it works perfectly. When it doesn't try Sucanat (raw cane sugar), Honey, Dates, and, very occasionally, Agave Nectar or Xylitol. All are better than the white stuff. However, even the white stuff is better than the fake sugars like Splenda, Nutrasweet, etc.
  • UrbanWild
    I am a sugar-holic. I used to put 1 1/2 T of sugar in a cup of coffee. I knew very few boundaries with candy. And I drank sugared sodas. Since getting on board with my new nutrition plan ( I hate the word 'diet'), I started using Stevia--cold turkey. After two days I was used to it. Now I get my sugar fix from fresh fruits (in moderation of course) and I have found that not only am I not craving sugar, my hunger cravings in general have fallen off and I am not getting the sleepies around 2 PM every day. I think Stevia is one of the more benign sweetners, though there's some that will disagree of course.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    I use Canderel(basically aspartame), I love the taste and use it for everything.
  • escape4asecond
    i like spender - its made from sugar, so all naural, but has almost zero carbs and calories.
    and it tastes great on homemade popcorn!!!
    It's made from sugar and chlorine, but chlorine is natural too.

    So, will my body be purified eating sugar and chlorine? ;)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Most, if not all, sugar substitutes can eventually lead to cancer.
    Aspartame has been proven to create super tiny holes throughout your brain.

    No it hasn't. It doesn't cross the brain barrier. Its two amino acids. There is more of the amino acids that Aspartame is made of in a chicken breast.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I always use Splenda in my coffee. It's been so many years, I don't like sugar in coffee at all. I love my morning coffee with cream & sweetner. It's an indulgence I'll always work into my calories!

    Breathing the air in a big city can give you cancer, so....whatcha gonna do? Be happy!
  • bharriscar
    bharriscar Posts: 91 Member
  • Cheryl1018
    I don't eat or drink any artificial sweeteners. Aspartame which is in Splenda and Equal can cause joint pain, headaches/migraines, stomach problems. I can always tell if I have ingested aspartame in a bottled water or yogurt. I used to have horrible IBD problems and headaches and when I cut out artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup those problems went away.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Sorry, I thought splenda was a sugar alcohol, but it's sucralose.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    I posted this to my facebook page several months ago. The links to the articles are hopefully still good.

    Artificial sweeteners are dangerous. Aspartame messes up brain function and more ( and now a recent Duke University study showed that Splenda...

    * Reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%. (This weakens your immune system)
    * Increases the pH level in the intestines.
    * Contributes to weight gain.
    * And affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that it interferes with absorption of prescription drugs
    (can you imagine NOT getting the full benefit of any life-saving drugs you're taking or might take?)

    They are putting Splenda into everything these days (Coke zero, yogurt and anything that says sugar free and aspartame free). Scary.

    Saccharin causes cancer in canadian rats :smile: -

    Non-artificial sweeteners are not necessarily any better.

    High Fructose Corn Syrup is being blamed for the fattening of America.
    Then there is Inulin,, which Suzanne Somers :ohwell: puts in her SomerSweet.

    And I just learned about Coconut Palm Sugar.

    What I have found is that if you stay away from all sweeteners its much easier - the "sugar cravings" disappear.