Overweight and feel awkward at the gym?



  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Mental advice: If your goal is "I don't want anyone to ever have a negative thought about me," you're going to lose that game. Realize that's a silly goal, and pick one that's more fun.

    If somones IS judging you based on your size/fitness level/outfit/choice of exercises, that person is a jerkface. Who cares what some jerkface thinks? Mentally wave your hand dismissively at them and carry on.

    If gyms were only for fit people, nobody would join gyms, because they'd just keep doing whatever got them fit in the first place.

    Remind yourself that you're not a mind-reader. The other day I realized a woman at the gym was looking at me funny, because I'd been staring out the window trying to figure out what the gardeners outside were doing and she was right in the middle of my line of sight but I totally hadn't noticed. Or maybe I'm making a face because I just remembered that I forgot to put new soap in my gym bag, so I'm going to have to use the gym's yucky soap, ew, and if you happen to glance over it would look like I was making that face at you, and then YOU think, "wow, what a jerkface, all making faces at me for no reason," and there's probably a Seinfeld episode in there somewhere but it's no way to get a workout.

    Practical advice: Go with a plan, and stick to it. (X minutes on the cardio, lift these weights in this way, whatever.) It's easier to fake confidence if you've got a plan backing you up. Learn basic gym etiquette (google "basic gym etiquitte"), smile if someone's looking at you, and work hard - it's much harder to feel self-conscious if you're spending all your brainpower on doing whatever exercise you came to do.
  • Amazing responses everyone, thank you! I went to my class today and didn't feel out of place at all. There were a whole range of people in all sizes and ages, and while there was that one skinny girl who seemed to be able to lift more weight than everyone else, I just tried to let her inspire me instead of get me down. I'm definitely going to keep going and trying to improve myself.
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