Some incentive

mamapoisonT Posts: 11
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
About a few months ago I was listening to "Dr. Radio" on serius radio, (I listen to that station often). I was inspired by a guest they had. It was an older woman in her 70's who was out of shape and never exercised etc. She decided to get herself "healthy" because she was Very over weight (I think by 100 lbs.). Anyway she not only dropped the pounds but holds a record for beinag able to be in the plank position for 30 minutes (Oh my- I could hardly hold it for 0ne minute, and I am considered athletic and am way younger). Anyway, I have put on a few pounds, and keep thinking of this woman to inspire me. If she can do it, than we all can work our way into being healthy! Hope that inspires someone else as well!
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