I hate losing OUNCES!



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    start focusing on getting stronger, faster, and being able to go further.

    appearance is the result of hard work.

    Listen to this guy!
  • Araxierose
    It just proves that a calorie isn't a calorie and our bodies are much more complex. I should be loosing 4 lbs a week, I'm lucky if I loose 1/2 a pound.
  • AlexandraLynch
    Part of the reason I only weigh in twice a week is so that I am seeing measurable gains or losses. (The other is that that way I use a scale that is calibrated daily, so I KNOW it's accurate....)

    Loss is loss. Frequently even if the scale doesn't move a pound, I "feel" lighter, and am seeing changes in what I can wear. The only time it hasn't lately I was having trouble wearing my bra because my breasts were so swollen, so it was pretty easy to figure out that my cycle was causing me to retain water. And, sure enough, as soon as I was past my period, I'd lost three pounds. It just works like that at times.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Honestly, I'm happy with any loss. I didn't used to feel that way, though. Only when I started gaining weight back. :(
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    You hate losing ounces? What do you think pounds are made of?
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I find when I am super lean..it's only in ounces. Not sure what your body fat is..but that's a big sign it truly is FAT loss.

    Water loss? I can get rid of a few lbs. Fat loss? SMALL losses now but it's a sign I am where I need to be!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    When it looks like I'm not losing much, I go back through my daily weights and see how it's been going for the past week and month. This week is already a pain; fluctuating the same 8 oz and having MFP being super mega happy that I've lost 8 oz when it's the same 8 oz I lost on Sunday, gained Monday, lost Tuesday.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    ounces add up to pounds; as long as you are still losing...it is progress

    also are you taking the time to check your measurements? You should take your measurements every 4 weeks.....lean muscle mass weighs more than fat however it takes up less space, so.....you could be losing ounces and INCHES.

    I have 3/4 of an inch left to go on my waist and hips (and thighs)...believe me; I don't care about the ounces/pounds as long as that 3/4 of an inch come off....it makes ALL the difference in the world!
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    A loss is a loss. You know you are in this for life so a few ounces is great. Maybe measure yourself, one week I lost nothing but found I lost 6 inches over my body and that helped me to see I was on the right track. You have lost so much weight already and are truly an inspiration to people like me who have just started off, so please don't lose hope.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Oh, also... Eating well is for a healthy weight. Exercising your butt off is for fitness. If you think the amount you exercise will translate directly to pounds off the scale, you should change your mindset.