bladder issues!



  • 4newtsmom
    4newtsmom Posts: 29 Member
    I try my hardest to get my first 8 glasses of water in before noon. Then I sip on water through out the rest of the day. I still usually get up once to go for a pee, or at least have to go VERY bad in the morning, but its better than drinking so much water later in the day where I am up all night peeing.
  • bubmaster
    fed up of night time trips to the bathroom,i should stop drinking earlier at night,
  • haylz247
    I drink almost 100 ounces a day and sometimes I will wake up during the night to pee, but if I drink the majority of my water before 7pm and then just sip on a cup or two, I'm good for the night. Maybe give that a try?

    i think i need to stop around 3 lol even stopped at 6 i still get up a lot.
    It's really annoying! I wish i was normal
  • Carlyccs
    Carlyccs Posts: 5 Member
    I have a very small bladder as well...And just like you I have to get up several times a night to pee...It's annoying at the least! I have to stop drinking water rather nothing to drink after dinner. But, I like my sleepy time tea before bed so...I just endure the wakings. Oh and I know Im not PG...LOL...When I was PG my husband used to tell me that I should just stay on the toilet because I had to pee so much. I've spoken to my doctor and she seems to think its just a small bladder and no other issues...
  • haylz247
    happens to me every night even when im not pregnant and i have no clue why. and it dont matter if i drink 2 cups a day or 10 cups a day of water i still do it. think im goina ask my dr about it soon because its interrupting my sleep too much lol

    The joys of having a weak bladder! Yeah hopefully they can do something.
    Never had bladder issues before now but I've always hated being too far away from a loo!
    I miss normal sleep
  • Tracepa98
    I average around 6-8 glasses a day usually and find myself STILL running constantly and Ive been in this routine for over 2 weeks. Up at least twice during the night to go as well. And what really sucks is that Im a sound sleeper, so by the time my bladder wakes me up, Ive got like 5 seconds to get down the hall before it lets loose!
    I try not to drink too close to bedtime but Im a really bad snorer and tend to wake up with a dry throat and tongue and have to hydrate, thus the bottle of water next to my bed.

    Oh and yesterday I had confirmation that my tastebuds are changin. There was a 2 liter of 7-Up in the fridge here at work that was for everyone...I poured myself just a small sip and BLECH!!:sick: Cant even believe I used to down that stuff!! :laugh: :happy:
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Welcome to my world! I've had bladder problems my whole life. Some people have what is called an irritable bladder, which is when your bladder spasms making it feel like you have to pee sooooooooo bad!!! And it when you go it's like next to nothing and you know your bladder wasn't full to begin with. It also tends to make it so you have to pee at night a lot.

    Here is how I deal with my issues. I did some research and found out that caffeine and alcohol make it worse. I did an experiment and found out it was totally true for me! So I don't drink more then 1 cup of caffeinated coffee a day, and try to only have decaf in the morning so that I don't get started badly because once that stupid bladder starts to spasm it goes all day and peeing ever half hour is a waste of time.

    I also don't drink much of anything after 7pm. If I am super super thirsty I'll have a quarter of a cup of water but that's it. I usually wake up super super thirsty, but it lets me sleep through the night!

    Also, contrary to what you might think the more I drink, the less it happens. I don't know why, but that's the way it is. Its like it keeps the bladder used to having something in it so its not such a spaz.

    Also, there are medications available for bladder spasm, but I don't know anything about them
  • chicky26
    chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
    Getting up four times in the night to go pee seems excessive irregardless of how much you drink. I would just go to the doctor to make sure theres no issues. There is medication available for urinary frequency if there is an issue there.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Sounds like you might not be completely voiding. I had the same issues for 3 years now. I had to go all the time, and it hurt like mad until I did. I now take a supplement that seems to help (GNC Prostate Health), but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for women (your plumbing is very different). For me, I just need to avoid sugary drinks and caffeinated drinks and my bladder works fine, no supplement needed. Even fruit juice causes me problems.
  • Maxine00
    Definitely see a urologist. It could be a common bladder infection (urinary tract infection), overactive bladder or interstitial cystitis. All of them will need to be treated.

    It's not ok to be waking up 4 times at night. Go get yourself checked out....
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    I have a small bladder & have always had to get up 2-3 times in the night. I got used to it.
    It does settle after you have had some time drinking water more but try less in the evening.
    As a matter of fact, having lost 95lb I no longer have to get up in the night so frequently, just the once if that now!! Guessing there is less fat pressing on my bladder...........
  • haylz247
    Definitely see a urologist. It could be a common bladder infection (urinary tract infection), overactive bladder or interstitial cystitis. All of them will need to be treated.

    It's not ok to be waking up 4 times at night. Go get yourself checked out....

    i will do! I went twice in the space of 2 hours then twice more before 6 am.

    But when i go i don't pee a little lol hopefully they find out what's wrong