Start May 2010 Challenge

Hey all!!!! My birthday is May 2nd and I thought that would be a perfect, realistic date for me to set for me to lose 20-25 lbs. That way I am set for the summer. I have been trying to lose the last 20 lbs for two years now. My son will be four in February and it has taken that long for me to be motivated enough to want to lose this baby fat.

So, I figured that would be 5 lbs a month. Anyone up to helping me and each other stay motivated?!?!

I am getting used to the food diary so I am excited about that. Yea :drinker:


  • GAB2008
    GAB2008 Posts: 26 Member
    :wink: I am in! May 2010 Challenge here I come!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I'm right behind you in the birthday department (I'm a June baby) and what better birthday present to ourselves than a healthy body? Count me in....

    ~Katie :tongue:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i'm in! my day is in july and I would love to go on a cruise or beach vacation!! ahhh 20lbs here I come
  • MBH3
    MBH3 Posts: 30
    My birthday is May 3rd and I would love to lose 20-25 lbs. by then as well! I AM IN!

  • rachsam1970
    I'm in - my b-day is in June so this would be perfect to help me reach my goal!
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I'd like that too. My b-day is in April, still close enough for that to be a nice present to myself! I'm hanging around with the last 24 pounds to lose, and having a booger of a time getting them off. So how do you join a group though, do you just have to wade through the threads, or can you get emails, or what? I ask because I only really look at the threads that I see on the home page as most recent.
  • Uzzam73
    Sounds like a plan! My birthday is May 1, and I still have 20 lbs to go.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    auntbliz, when you are looking at a topic, right above the first post there are 5 tabs to click. When you click on My Topics it will take you to a list of the last 20 or so topics you've posted on. That way you can come back to the same ones over and over again. Makes it a little easier!

    I am in. I am a band/choir teacher and have my last concert the first of May, and I'd like to fit into my concert attire from college. I've been doing the New Year's Challenge, and actually had to make my goal LOWER because I hit my first goal with over a month left!:bigsmile: Although 20lbs would put me under my "first major goal" by 10lbs, that's still on the top part of my recommended range.

    Let's do this!
  • twt1999brd
    I'm so excited so many are with me!!! I was just filling out my food diary and I have one soda a day. I have to try and knock that out. It is 190 calories. I could have two of my snacks for that much. I just know I am going to be craving that caffien because I don't drink coffee or tea. Oh sunkist, how I love thee :sad:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I'm so excited so many are with me!!! I was just filling out my food diary and I have one soda a day. I have to try and knock that out. It is 190 calories. I could have two of my snacks for that much. I just know I am going to be craving that caffien because I don't drink coffee or tea. Oh sunkist, how I love thee :sad:

    Forget the calories - how much sugar is in that stuff? I've really been watching my sugar and stuff like that seems to KILL me! Did you ever think to switch to diet sunkist? It's not exactly the same but it's better than cutting it out altogether.
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    Don't switch to diet, I've heard that artificial sweeteners make you crave real sugar even more, not to mention water retention. What I did when cutting root beer was I started to get the 20oz bottles, and I would try to make it last for more than one serving. Of course, once I got really good, I ended up having to throw out over half the bottle. Now I don't drink it at all, pop is way too sweet to me, I can have a sip or two, and then I don't feel like it's worth the troubles I know it causes. Mind you, this happened over a year, so it's not a cold turkey cure.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'm in!

    My target goal date is July 1/10 (for my total weight loss) so I'm HOPING to have lost about 30 pounds by May. I'd be happy with 20-25 pounds, though.
  • Lumarie
    i'm in may birthday is also in may. may 25th. i have been putting on weight and need to lose at least 15 pds. i started now but am messying up a lot but starting after christmas i am going to do this all the way.
  • twt1999brd
    I'm so proud of myself. I went to the gym every night this week. My son is at his fathers every other week so I have been really taking advantage. That, and it distracts me from not having me with me.

    First day with no soda. Wish me luck :tongue:

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I am hoping for at least something. I bought a measuring tape to get my inches and start tracking that. I am scared to know.

    Have a great day ya'll and good luck staying on track!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    So glad to hear you have been sticking with the gym and exercising - that is definitely a big part of this! Yesterday was my day off from exercise and with the way my kids were acting working (every nerve in my body, even ones I didn't know I had!) I almost caved and went to town on my fridge! Luckily I only ate a few cups of popcorn - it put me over a little in my calories but I know it would have been WAY worse if I ate something different. I'll be on the wii fit tonite! Have a great day! :tongue:
  • hhamilton
    On the soda, if you cut it out completely, you'll lost a few pounds for sure. I cut that out a year ago, and lost 6 pounds immediately! Now, I can't even drink soda, doesn't sound good to me at all. I do drink coffee and tea, so that gives me the caffine I need. I can't seem to lose anymore weight though,,,,I think I'm at a wall!
    This challenge sounds great, and may be just the thing I need. I just signed up for a half marathon in May, so this will give me the goal I need to hit the gym everyday to train. Count me in!!!
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I've got to say, the holiday stress is killing me here. My family has a lot of food allergy issues, and we're still in the process of trying to figure them out, and the mere thought of what the heck I'm going to make for dinner sends me to the kitchen. Right now I'm snacking on popcorn, because I'm trying to stay away from the muffins I made for my daughter's birthday party last night. Good, right, unfortunately, the popcorn came AFTER the piece of fudge! :o
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    just marked my calendar and if I do this right I should be down to 150lbs on May1st for a total of 40lbs - wow!

    I can't wait!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    nolachick I've also got 40 lbs to lose - WE CAN DO IT!
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    Count me in! My birthday is June 22nd and I would love to have lost 20-25 by then!!! This will be great to have a motivator!