Stomach Fat

I haven't been weighing myself because I don't own a scale so I don't know if I'm losing or gaining. I was just wondering if it was normal for my fat to become droopy? Like my stomach fat use to be hard (and I almost look pregnant because that's where most of my fat is) but not the fat is becoming soft and kind of droops? Is this normal? Will I be able to have a flat stomach or will it always be droopy like this?


  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Give it time. My guess is that you're burning the fat that was there, and it's starting to become less dense. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, you usually don't add fat CELLS, but you add to the cells that you already have, making those fat cells very dense. It sounds like you're starting to burn through those fat reserves and it's softening up.

    Over time, yes, you will be able to tighten up the skin and the elasticity will improve and you can have a flat stomach. If you were morbidly obese and rapidly lost weight, there may always be some sagging skin, though. If it's the SKIN, not the fat tissue, that's getting saggy, you can try cocoa butter or any number of lotions that are supposed to improve the collagen in your skin. After being stretched because of weight gain, it sometimes takes a little time and work to get the collagen and elasticity to return to "normal".

    Just remember you're making big changes in your body. Try not to let little things like loose skin and tissue get you down - those will improve in time. What's important is you're changing your body for the better!
  • txdahl
    txdahl Posts: 107 Member
    Well said, my belly fat droops, not attractive to me at all. But in the past when I lost weight it did disappear with exercise. That is the first place I gain and it is always droopy. Just keep up the exercise with the eating right and you will see a difference in time.