Carb help

This is my second week of lowering carbs, first week was a success as i lost 3 pounds, therefore i am sticking to it! I still include fruit & veggies, cereal, ryvita etc. but i have stopped eating bread, pasta, rice etc. However i'm feeling really bloated & a little constipated :( I also have no energy and feeling tired all the time!

Is anyone else doing a plan like this & experiencing the same problems? Or has anyone got any advice?

My MFP is set to:
1200 cal

25% carbs
45% protein
30% fat


  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I am no expert but I believe it is essential to have more carbs than that. If you are eating the proper amount of fruits (very high carb) and veggies then you should have your carbs at 45 or 50 %. I do high protein and still never use all of my carbs, but 25% is very low. If your body feels deprived of carbs (its main source of fuel) you will start storing everything as fat. You may see initial loss, but you will also see insane gains and fat deposits when you take off your strict restrictions. Or at least that is my understanding. I would talk to a doctor....
  • dclarsh1
    It's pretty normal to experience those types of symptoms when changing your diet. One issue that can occur with low-carb diets is not enough fiber. Check to make sure you're getting at least 20g of fiber daily, 25g is even better. If that's not the problem, pay attention to how much water you're drinking. You need a lot of water for the fiber to do it's job properly because fiber absorbs water from your intestines. If there's not enough, it just kind of gets stuck there. If you're getting all your fiber and drinking at least 64 oz of water each day, then you might just have to wait it out and see what happens. It might just take a little time for your body to adjust to your new diet.

    Just a side note... don't take a laxitive to help speed the process along. You'll end up doing more harm than good. If you are experiencing pain from the constipation, you might want to see a doctor.
  • Melissa09x
    Thanks for your help guys, will definately make some changes :smile:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I was just going to say, often it's not the amount of carbs that need changing, but the KINDS of carbs. I've cut all refined carbs out of my diet- no white bread, white rice, etc. But quinoa, couscous, brown rice, shredded wheat, oatmeal, bran (etc.) are a big part of my diet. It's helped me lose weight by 'cleaning me out' (waste weighs a lot!), and keeps me fuller longer. I also have lots of energy.

    I love quinoa in particular, which I just started eating recently. It is FILLING! Just a half cup (cooked) with dinner, some veggies and some fish, and I am FULL until bed-time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been eating a lot of flax muffins. They keep me full and a good for your bowels. This is on my diet plan. I even have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night. And I never did that. I do drink a lot of water tho.I used ground flax seeds and almond flour to make them. we don't count calories Just certain carbs. Carbs in veggies we don't count. or cottage cheese, sour cream and ricotta cheese. Yougurt we have to count.