New here!

Hey all! Im Leah. 27yr old female. I had a RNY gastric bypass 8/27/10 and lost 170bs (337 when i started)....over the past year I gained 30lbs back!! :( A lot of that has to do with having a desk job and being completely sedentary even at home, eating "grazing foods" and discovering alcohol...which if anyone has weight loss surgery tends to turn us into an alcoholic when we re-discover drinking. My bf does nothing but tear me down (easy coming from a guy whos 5'9" and 132lbs soaking wet). I am 5'6" and at 197lbs. I have stopped drinking for about a week now and plan to not pick up another drop of alcohol. NOW....I need to find motivaton to exercise and eat right...I am supposed to have lots of protein and about 1000-1500 calories a day. I dont have a ton of money to go spend on fresh fruits and veggies all the time and need ideas for cheap healthy meals and snacks. Anyone wanna be my fitness buddy and help me out with some advice. Other weight loss surgery people would be even better! :)