Fat and useless

I started this program a few months back and was doing well. I started to lose the weight and was feeling good about myself. Then it happened.. I got too comfortable and quit logging. Now 3 months later, I gained all my weight back and feel like ****. I know I need to keep at it buts a blow when you have to put your fat clothes back on.


  • northernbeaver
    I can totally relate to your frustration as I have currently done the same thing. I stopped logging and poof, the weight came back. I thought I had developed the habits and patterns to make the right decisions to keep the weight off or at least not put it back on but turns out I haven't. it makes you feel like you want to scream and tear yourself a new one. but what I have learned is that there is no point in doing that. we all make mistakes, we all have problems, we all have the ability to turn it around. I believe I can learn from my mistakes and so can you. there is no point in beating yourself up about it but instead just channel that effort into getting back into it. take a moment to reflect on your life for just a small time and find out why you stopped logging.

    on a side note, no one is ever fat and useless even though we sometimes feel that way. even at your heaviest you are still an amazing human being capable of great things. you are smart, sexy person. keep your confidence high and that is the first step to making the new lifestyle work.

    best of luck to us all
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Every day is a new day, and every day you have to make a point of making wise decisions. Instead of thinking of it as having to start all over again, think of every day as the new start.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Summer is over and now it's time to get serious again. I just logged a weekend worth of binging and it was tough, but I made myself do it. This shows me why I put on weight and why I need to get focused again. You are a beautiful young lady and you've lost before and you can do it again. Just start a new day and go forward. We are here to support you a 100%. Best of luck.
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    You've done it once and you can do it again. Good on you for coming back!
  • ultim8fury
    Start again and remember and learn from your past. Good journey.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Do you know why you gained the weight back? Are you prepared to conquer that problem, rather than just weight loss?
  • phoxyshred
    Brand new to site but can totally relate. it's hard to realize that just when you thought you got it you didn't. But you have already taken the first step by getting back on and focusing on moving forward from here. It takes 21 dyas to break a bad habit and another 21 ro begin a new one and so on and so forth. I am excited about the wonderful feedback the users have. Take it as a learning lesson and take it one day at a time. You have already made the first step-that one is the hardest.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I started and was doing well, but quit for more than a year. Like addiction, you may have relapses. Just be strong.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    Get back in the saddle, kid! I bet that you learned something too so don't give up. You can do it!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    You wont be the first and you wont be the last to do have done this.

    Sooo many people do the same. But it's clicked for you now and you know you have to keep at it until it becomes a way of life.

    And you will do that. Just got to take that first step again, knowing this time it is for the last time
  • BLSaw
    BLSaw Posts: 216 Member
    we have all been there, just start over and take it one day at a time!!!!
  • littlewitch1973
    First of all, I am glad to see you come back - you know what works, and you know how to lose it.

    I think many of us have done the same thing - we got comfortable, quit logging, and figured we were "guesstimating" the right amount of calories. For me, personally, it has lead to a stand still in my weight loss... Its frustrating - but I also know how to fix it. Get back online, log, exercise, and the weight will drop again. You can do it too.

    This is not an overnight fix, and not logging isnt going to help you lose... you did it once, and can do it again!! :wink:
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I feel your pain! I spent 6 months logging *everything* I ate, and got sick of logging and slowly the weight has started to creep back up. It's so much easier to be in denial, to avoid the scale, and to skip exercising. Then I started feeling miserable because I wasn't exercising and I always think maybe a cookie would make me feel better.

    It really is tough getting back to it after I've slacked off, but I'm learning that it gets a little easier each time. We can do this, and it is SO WORTH IT!
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Brush yourself off and get back up on the horse!
    You can do this!
    I am not sure I will ever be completely disconnected from MFP... It is a great tool for me to keep in check!!!
  • maryjay51
    i did the same thing this past summer .. twenty lbs heavier .. just figured oh well-- get yer azzz back on track girl and keep moving forward... im not beating myself up. im just going to get 'er done this time
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Okay, one....I'm going to get on your case about calling yourself "fat & useless". I'm sure if you sit down and list all the things you do every day, you will find you are in no way useless.

    Now....EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE falls off the wagon at times; it isn't about falling off or going off track; it's what you do when you fall off.

    You've made the right step in coming back to MFP; add some friends to help you stay motivated, join some forums (groups) and join some challenges.

    If you took off the weight once, you can certainly do it again; this time make a life change (do not see it has a "diet"; diet implies a short term fix and this should be a life style change; only then will you make the changes that you can stick with long term and be successful).
  • KaydeForce
    KaydeForce Posts: 96 Member
    I didn't read every answer post, so sorry if I'm repeating somebody else.

    First: I feel you. I totally know what you mean. I also fell off the bandwaggon for a while. However, i did not gain (only 2-4 lbs which at my size is not too bad). Anyway... No matter if I'm logging or not, I will ALWAYS continue to eat much more conscious. And that's just something that you have yet to decide for yourself. Gaining all the weight back could only happen because you ate way over your maintenance rate. I did this many many times (I ate like 15,000 extra calories a week before I started to loose weight!). So I'm not saying this from a arrogant place. I reallly, honestly know how you feel! But you have to make that decision: Even if you stop losing weight, even if you don't log your food anymore, even if you stop exercising: Eat consciously and healthy. Remember what that junkfood can do to your body. Remember that you don't want to be that person anymore...

    I hope that helped in some way...
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    you are NOT fat and useless! don't listen to that nagging voice in your head! you are here, and for starters, that's a very big deal! you want to make a change. so you gained your weight back. it's happened to me, and to MANY of us here. i'd venture to say at one point or another, we've all gained some back. get back on the horse! remember what forrest gump said: *kitten* happens. you can either stay in the mindset that you'll continue to gain and what's the use, yadda yadda. OR you can stop it right there in its tracks and feed yourself with positivity, hard work, and determination!

    we believe in you! in other news, is your birthday may 18?
  • mandorla
    mandorla Posts: 81 Member
    Almost everyone here has been where you're at. You can do it. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. While you're doing that think about what life changes you need to make for the next attempt to be successful.

    Good luck!!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    This is what I have FINALLY discovered after being a life-long yo-yo dieter: It's not about losing weight until you get to a number on the scale. It is about acquiring a new set of behaviors that you will continue to utilize forever.

    Instead of setting scale-related goals, set behavior related goals, and then keep doing those behaviors.

    The faulty thinking that led to your failure is that you thought that you only had to log until you reached a specific number on the scale. The reality is that the number on the scale doesn't matter. The logging matters.

    You can apply this to any weight-loss related behavior. The exercise matters... forever. The (mostly) clean eating matters... forever. The logging matters... forever.

    The number on the scale... really doesn't matter... at all. It is just a mechanism of feedback -- a measure of the effectiveness of your behavior.

    Get back into a positive frame of mind and start working on your behavior, and the number on the scale will start giving you more favorable feedback.